Should We Allow Islam To Destroy Civilization?

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In the past, I’ve referred to the well-funded, well-organized, but scientifically vacuous climate alarmists as a “cabal” with an explicitly socialist agenda.

Indeed, in a political context that’s exactly what they are. But in a religious context, they’re a cult fanatically pushing a rigid dogma.

The climate change dogma is roughly this:

  • The concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has increased markedly over the past century (true);
  • human activities have contributed to that increase (true);
  • Earth has warmed by more than a degree since escaping the harsh Little Ice Age in the 19th century (also true, thank goodness!);
  • temperatures will continue to rise to dangerous, catastrophe-inducing levels (unprovenunknowable, and unlikely) unless human society is radically transformed by drastically curbing the human use of fossil fuels (a power-seeking agenda that would inflict widespread impoverishment and suffering on billions of human beings).

To read more visit Epoch Times.

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