• Housing For Invading Troops?

    July 20, 2024
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    Millions Spent Under (Yet Another ) False Pretense

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    Four huge “influx centers” for migrant children have been buit in America, and all stand empty but staffed.

    One, in Greensboro NC has cost us an estimated $387 million since 2022. Three others are in Texas. This money, plus an additional $103 million for “facility management” was awarded to Deployed Services Inc, a “frequent” contractor for the government. These contracts were for care and supervision services in Greensboro.


    Let’s take the Greenssboro facility first. I reported on this in late summer, 2022, as the school, belonging at the time to the American Hebrew Academy, aka, Greensboro Global Academy, had suddenly closed in the middle of the 2019 fall intake of students. The reason given was lack of funds. Their debt holder, the Chinese company, Puxin, Ltd. loaned them $26 million, secured with a deed of trust for the facility, for renovations. At the time, parents were incensed, having put money down for their childrens’ education, which term was to begin in weeks. Covid is the excuse given for not reopening in 2020 as promised to the parents.

    In 2022, the feds signed a $50 million contract with AHU for a 5-year lease, eligible for an additional 5-year extension. The campus was completely renovated and ready for the immigrant “children” by March 15 of this year.

    Puxin stock was suspended trading by the NYSE in May, 2022, and liquidated by order of the Grand court of the Cayman Islands in 2023. Puxin’s holdings went on to another Chinese LLC , Metabroad International, Oakton, VA, Wei Yang, registered agent.

    Didn’t smell right then, and it reeks, now.

    The Greensboro renovation included 31 buildings, a natatorium and a 22-A lake. This is what caught my eye two years ago. As the US homeless crisis was growing, with Biden’s economy kicking in, this was an utterly shocking act of extravagence for migrant children. Given the influx of “military aged men” we saw swarming our borders, along with Obama’s training foreign troops to put down an American insurrection, it was pretty clear to me that this was NOT for kids.

    Speaking of extravagant spending, keep reading. I didn’t have even a small part of the picture, then.

    The other three facilities are in TX. Two, Pecos Children’s Center and Dimmit County Children’s Center remain empty as well. A fourth, also in TX at Ft. Bliss, was recently closed, and stands empty.

    These four facilities are run by a subset of the Dept of Health and Human Services, ORR, which is a subset of The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), which is in turn, part of DHHS. This constant creation of smaller op units from larger ones is part of the game of “alphabet soup” charade. Much can be hidden behind thousands of combinations of letter-tagged agencies. There’s more.

    All facilities are fully staffed! One former worker, whistleblower, said he was “uncomfortable” being paid to work when there was none to do. He questioned why this money wasn’t being spent on the local impoverished or our veterans.

    Guess they forgot the check box on the employment app that said, “those with morals need not apply”.

    According to the Epoch Times, professional employees such as teachers and health care workers were earning salaries up to $75k/year WITH HEALTH CARE BENEFITS. One of the TX facilities also had a medical clinic employing 12. . . . About 300 employees were paid to work shifts so the facility would be open 24 hours. Empty.

    At the NC facility, run by Deployed Services, online job reviews talked about free meals and overtime. With no children to care for, the employees often split up and wear different colored vests, some pretending to be children and the others, care givers. They all get free meals. Phones are not allowed on campus, and workers were told not to discuss their jobs with anyone on the outside.

    Supposedly this NC facility was not to receive any kids unless and until the other three were at 85% capacity. Guess there’s going to be a while to wait for those kiddos. A spare mega million dollar facility for extra migrant kids??

    The breath-taking waste of our money by this rogue government is staggering. These facilities for non-existent kiddies is just another example. While American families scrape to live, their tax dollars are going to THIS?????

    Dear God, we need Trump.

    Nine NC lawmakers inquired after the situation. The letter they sent to DHHS Sec. Becerra, read, in part, “To me (NC Rep. Hudson), this sounds like your department may be wasting taxpayer money.”

    I can’t print what I’m thinking.

    The hundreds of thousands of military are somewhere right now, reviewing their Obama training from Jade Helm (2014) and Greyling (2015), about how to take us down. THEN, they will be somewhere else, well-cared for and waiting to take us down. I am thinking it just might be these campuses, all spiffed up and staffed.

    We cannot really know if this housing will be filled with foreign troops soon, or if it is just a nauseating display of “federal middle finger to the taxpayer”. The next 3.5 months are not going to be dull. Keep your head up and your eyes open.

    If you get bored asking your congress critters about election vulnerabilities, ask them what they know about this, and see what they have to say. We all need some grins.

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    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D”.
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