• Will DC Dems Certify If Trump Wins?

    October 12, 2024
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    All Their Talk of "Democracy" May Be Just Another Lie

    Will DC Dems Certify If Trump Wins?

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    Jamie Raskin, D, MD, is signaling that Democrats will not vote to certify the 2024 election if (WHEN) Trump wins. This after continual yap from those who spew the party line, that Trump is a danger to democracy.

    This party of Lucifer is well-known for objection to elections won by Republicans. They have done so, OVER 150 TIMES! As a matter of literal fact, Leftists have objected to every election won by a Republican in the last decades. Remember Hillary & Co. in 2016? The furor over the Bush win in 2004?

    It is especially noteworthy that  every single Democrat president since 1977 has questioned the legitimacy of U.S. elections, according to the RNC.

    Biden cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2022 midterms. Anything to distract and destroy.

    I’ll stop here with the links. I don’t need to overstate the obvious, about that thing that happens when the we on the OTHER SIDE prove obvious election fraud.

    What I see here is the magnitude of the fear of the Left for Trump. This festering mania has literally curdled any ability they may have had to care or America. They are terrified of him because they KNOW he will win. They will do anything and everything to stop him. And us.

    The minute Donald Trump won in 2016, they put elections under the control of the Department of Homeland Security, because of supposed foreign hacking. Albert Sensors ended up behind election computer firewalls in almost every county in the country.

    On the very day of his inauguration in 2017, Hillary set out to form a group, Run for Something, that vetted, trained and paid for young socialists to run for local and state offices. Over 800 now hold office across the nation., as district judges, school board members, even members of state legislatures. If you had wondered about the leftist creep in your state politics, this is part of the explanation.

    Since Feb., 2024, when Trump became the heir-apparent to the Republican nomination for President, they are considering the option of refusing to confirm, or ratify, our votes. They intend to ignore the Constitution one more time, and this is key. Our Constitutional body of law is what makes us a REPUBLIC, and not a “Democracy”. Remember, essentially “Democracy” is mob rule, wherein the wishes of only the largest population centers call the shots.

    In 1804, the 12th Amendment was ratified, outlining the ratification process for election of the President and Vice President of the United States. This method was good for nearly 200 years - until the Marxists decided to destroy America. Then that danged old Constitution had to go.

    In 2022, Congress approved a change to the the ratification process, in light of the Jan. 6 “riots”. It was deemed, by PBS, “the strongest effort yet to avoid a repeat of Donald Trump’s violence-inflaming push to reverse his loss in the 2020 election.” Most of us were unaware, because, as is so often done, the change in the 200 year old Constitutional Amendment was done as part of another bill, and right before the Christmas holiday.

    The new ratification process is: (READ CAREFULLY, to the end):

    *1/5 of both House and Senate would be required to force a vote on states’ slates of electors.

    *Alternate states of electors disallowed. Governors must sign off on their states’ official slates of electors, and no slates submitted by different state officials may be put forth.

    *new “loophole” provision allowing state legislatures to name electors to name an alternate slate of electors that do not reflect their state’s popular vote totals. (the fraudulent total?)

    *ALLOWING a state to move the date of its presidential election IN THE EVENT OF EXTRAORDINARY AND CATASTROPHIC EVENT, “LIKE A NATURAL DISASTER.

    That last one should smack every one of us right in the face. I repeat:

    Now a state could move the date of its presidential election — but only in the event of “extraordinary and catastrophic events,” like a natural disaster.

    In my previous article on the storms, Helene and Milton, I stated that strong scientific evidence existed that these storms were engineered, and made a part of weather warfare. Multiple sources agree.


    *https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/hold-marjorie-taylor-greene-was-right-yes-scientists/ On this, please get past the MTG part and read the many links to information on the subject.

    *Patent for Hurricane and Tornado Control Device, US20030085296A1 Patent filed for in Individual, 11-02-2001, Inventor Andrew Waxmanski. Patent abandoned, 2003. Investors were 21st Century Fox, Vatican and Disney. Oh, yes…and there was the Federal Government, too. I understand that weather is important to Disney parks and movie-making, but the Vatican??

    That OUR government invested in this technology is the most worrisome, given what we have been seeing in weather manipulation these last years. Abandonment of a patent does not mean that the concept is dropped; only that the original inventor did not pay fees on time. According to a patent expert,

    When an inventor is granted a patent, they have exclusive rights to the protected technology for 20 years. However, the USPTO (US Patent Office) requires the assignee to pay maintenance fees throughout the life of the patent. If the assignee fails to do so, they essentially abandon the patent and, therefore, the protection offered by the patent.https://ip.com/blog/patent-abandonment-why-it-matters/

    Twenty years from 2001, date of original application, is 2021. The TX winter vortex, Ian, Helene and Milton, have occurred since that date. Just sayin’.

    NO, I really didn’t get off track, only filled in some of the informational blanks that are bothering thinking patriots in these, possibly last days, of our republic. I admit that weather modification/weather warfare seemed crazy to me, too, when I first learned of it. Questions like “why”, “how”, and the all-important “who” kept me learning more by inches rather than miles.

    Since learning of weather modification from one if its master researchers, Dane Wigginton, geoengineeringwatch.org, and witnessing some very unusual weather events over these last three years, I get it.

    I also want you to get it, and understand how it could possibly (probably?) be impacting our all-important 2024 election results. Watch for it. On that note, I’ll continue with a few more pieces of information that seem unrelated to the title of this article.

    Take NC, for example. (The Left has been trying to take them for a long time. Was this their attempt?")

    In the wake of Helene, and the disaster that our government failed to recognize, the North Carolina Elections Board made a “bipartisan effort” to facilitate elections in the 13 counties damaged by Helene. Twelve of those counties voted for Trump in 2020. The changes include extension of voting sites, hours, submission of absentee ballots, along with an “assistance team” to help collect the absentee ballots. To me, this all spells trouble.

    Who can say ballots are legitimate when they can be submitted anywhere in the state? And a “collections team?” Yeah. NO. Here’s what’s gone down so far.

    As of 10/10, of all mail-in ballots received to date, Democrats and Unaffiliated voters lead, so far, by over 2:1 Democrat are at 37.8 % ; Unaffiliated at, 35.5; and Republicans, 26.7% of total votes cast.

    Remember, NC is one of the big four swing states, which the Left has been wanting to devour for years. In-person early voting begins next week, 10/17.

    TN’s six counties hit by the storm, (Carter, Cooke, Greene, Johnson, Unicoi, and Washington) are not often in the news about how recovery is going. I have been in touch with the SOS, Governor’s office, and local county election officials, keeping in the loop about whether or not they need volunteer poll workers or other help. We don’t hear much about TN, though, because TN doesn’t have quite enough electoral votes (11 to NC’s 16) to be a tasty target. I’ll keep you updated on them.

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    For the country as a whole, 3,748,980 mail-in and early in-person votes have been cast nationally, as of 11 a.m., 10/11. According to NBC, Democrats lead by 53% to 31% for Republicans. The Unaffiliateds come in at 16%

    This may well be good news for MAGA Americans, in that Conservative voters are not rushing to show their hand, so that totals can be manipulated. The push by the RNC for early and mail-in voting is one of the many reasons I do not trust them.

    Back to the top.

    As part of the changes in our ratification process, the feds altered the 12th Amendment of our Constitution in 2022, under cover of holiday recess and distractions, to allow flexibility as to the date of a presidential election within states due to natural disasters. This, in my estimation, is too much to be coincidence.

    In the three years after the patent on weather modification technology was officially no longer the possession of its inventor, two major hurricanes which behaved very oddly, impacted two very conservative areas of two states. The polar vortex in TX, in 2021 may have been a practice run. Suddenly, there are literal dozens of information sources addressing weather warfare; seems others may be adding up the same things as I.

    Here’s one last “what if”. What if Trump wins, which is quite probable, and VP Kammy has to open and count the electoral votes? A friend and I have buzzed about this for weeks. Yes, that is the job of the President of the Senate (VP), as it was the job of Mike Pence, regardless of whether or not their name appears on the ballot. But, will she?? That may be the next trick up their dirty sleeves.

    Take what I’ve put down here, and decide for yourself. As a research Kat who digs a lot in this stuff, I smell something really bad here. It’s buried out of sight, like all the rest, but is now being blown to the surface by the lightening speed of the Trump Train, en route to our nations Capitol.

    Might be just the fear of the Left that I’m smelling; hard to tell. Whatever it is, I pray that we will be able to clean that DC litter box once and for all, and have fresh air in our governance again,

    NO, it won’t happen fast or easily, if we get that far, but with the involvement of the Almighty that we’ve felt to date, Washington DC will again become a point of pride instead of protest, and a shining example to the world.

    Please stay involved and aware, and let your nearest elected official know what you are smelling in their back yard, be it on election supervision, or putrid political play. WE know there’s plenty of dirty deeds. Just keep sniffing.


    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D”.
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