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New York City teachers for Choice, Children's Health Defense and other anti-vax mandate groups marched across New York City yesterday into Foley Square outside City Hall for a large protest against Mayor de Blasio's policies.

The crowd was quite diverse among race, age, and communities in the City.
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates
VIDEO: New York Revolts Against Vaccine Mandates

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