Breaking: Murdered Arkansas GOP Senator Believed She Was Closing In On Child Trafficking Ring In Arkansas State Government
Murdered Former GOP State Senator Linda Collins-Smith

Kathryn Hall, a key witness in the recent murder of former State GOP Senator Linda Collins-Smith has broken her silence on the case and confirmed earlier reporting of CD Media. Hall said she was very close to Collins-Smith and they both were investigating corruption in the Arkansas Department of Human Services (child protective services) before she was murdered.

In an interview with CD Media, Hall confirmed Collins-Smith had evidence on a child trafficking ring being run through the state government and was about to release information on massive judicial corruption and money laundering. She had given interviews in Washington, D.C. to that effect. Hall and Collins-Smith were about to move in together in D.C. to work on illegal immigration matters.

Hall believes Collins-Smith was murdered to cover up the corruption. She also believes Collins-Smith was tortured and mutilated prior to her death, hence the hard time identifying the body.

"The arrest of Becky [Rebecca Lynn O’Donnell] is a smokescreen to cover up what is happening. She may have been involved but she didn't pull the trigger; I am sure of it," declared Hall.

Hall is an Angel Mom; her daughter was killed by an illegal alien after her granddaughter was, in her words, abducted and sold by the state.

Two hours after giving an interview regarding her case on an Arkansas radio station after Collins-Smith's funeral, Hall said she was arrested by Bentonville, AR police on charges of running a drug house in town. Hall does not live in Arkansas and said the charges were fabricated.

Below is a video interview of CD Media's Debbie Aldrich interviewing Hall regarding the murder of Hall's daughter.

Below is a video interview of Debbie Aldrich interviewing Linda Collins-Smith on immigration.