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The timing could not be better. Two days after CD Media highlighted the Soros/Democratic Party machine's efforts to whitewash the reputation of corrupt former Ukrainian central bank chief Valeriya Gontareva, the Ukrainian local press reports a knockout development.
The former Ukrainian civil servant has just bought a flat in London for approximately $30 million as she gears up for a plum position at the London School of Economics, provided by the Soros machine for her good work for the American Deep State over the last few years.
"She bought a house for 23 million pounds, you know where? In London. How can a civil servant get and buy himself for 23 million pounds?" asks the leader of the "Justice" movement Valentin Nalivaychenko, reported Ukraine New 24.
According to Nalivaychenko, Ukraine's economy has fallen into the abyss and no one has been held accountable for it.
You can read about the development in the Ukrainian local press here.
CD Media will be contacting the office of U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur and inquire if she will question Gontareva on this issue when she arrives to give a speech in Washington at Kaptur's request.
We asked our sources in Ukraine where the money came from for Gontareva's purchase of the property. The answer came back -- the schemes within the National Bank of Ukraine to launder IMF aid money of course, with the help of the other Obama/Deep State/Soros favorite, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
$23M? Just where did the money come from? We all know but there will be NO investigation. Once again. we see the two tier 'justice system' in full on CYA mode.
Well, to have investigation would mean Trump admin would be breaking law.
I don’t think investigating Biden’s or Burisma would be breaking law when millions in IMF funds “disappeared” from Privat bank. I think asking Ukrainian President to investigate Biden was spot on. I think you dig deep enough, you will find missing IMF funds in a Biden “envelope” company.
In following the well done articles, and appreciate greatly the work being done in our behest, one small but important issue.
The english language has been abused by the left immeasurably. My point: There is no Democratic Party, - it is the Democrat Party, for they surely are not Democratic. The minor adjustment changes the article, and accurately points this out.