Detained Poroshenko Accomplice Pays What Is Needed To Leave Ukraine
Oleg Gladkovskiy-Svinarchuk
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Earlier this week CD Media reported on the arrest of a close confidant of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko as details of the massive money laundering scheme and other corrupt activities of the Poroshenko administration become known.

His right-hand man, Oleg Gladkovskiy-Svinarchuk, was arrested two days ago on corruption charges by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). His other confidant Ihor Kononenko has apparently ran away according to reports.

Today we are reporting that Gladkovsky has apparently paid a large bail, and an unknown amount of bribes, in order to escape detention and has most likely already left the country, following Poroshenko and Valeria Gontareva, former head of the National Bank of Ukraine who both reportedly are in London.

Relatives of the former first deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleg Gladkovsky made a pledge of 10.6 million UAH for him.This was reported by his lawyer Ruslan Volynets, reported TSN, a main Ukrainian TV channel.

You can read the local press reports here.

Intelligence sources tell CD Media Poroshenko paid the bail and 2 Poroshenko associates personally took possession of Gladkovskiy.

Recall, on October 17, the defendant in the high-profile investigation into corruption in "Ukroboronprom" and a former member of the National Security and Defense Council Oleg Gladkovsky tried to fly out of Ukraine... Afterwards, Gladkovsky went to a restaurant near the Borispol highway, where he was detained by NABU. They confirmed the detention of the former first deputy secretary of the National Security Council on suspicion of abuse of office (c.2 p. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), writes TSN.

This affair is just one more instance of the Deep State getting rid of evidence and whitewashing the entire Poroshenko administration's crimes, which were enabled by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party.