CDMedia's Debbie Aldrich broke big news tonight again as she talked with Ali Safavi, a representative of the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), based in Washington, D.C. but currently across the Atlantic.
Safavi outlined how China is sending Islamic clerics to Iran to be trained at extremist Islamic seminaries in Tehran and elsewhere in the country. This importation of Chinese nationals was a primary factor in the horrendous outbreak of Chinese coronavirus inside the Iranian Islamic Republic where tens of thousands have died.
"The deaths from coronavirus are six times the official figure in Iran," declared Safavi. "And this epidemic has had consequences for countries outside of Iran as well. In fact, the first case of coronavirus in New York City was from Iran. Many other nationals are also studying at these Islamic institutions, specifically Mustafa University. Neighboring countries have been affected as well.
"Iran and China have a strategic relationship. There are hundreds of Chinese clerics studying extremist Islam at Iranian institutions, learning the exportation of terror the Iranians have honed over the last 40 years.
"The Chinese are not learning tolerant Islam. They are learning a radical extremist ideology that spreads violence, terror, sectarianism, pitting Shiites against Sunnis throughout the Middle East and the world. They want to use this to suppress their own Muslim population [over one million Uyghurs today are thought to be in concentration camps and used to harvest organs for sale on the black market].
"China is helping the regime stand on its own feet, sending technology, many other goods, and swapping it for oil."
Aldrich added, "islam is a weapon, and China is using this to help spawn terror."
The world’s largest consumer drone manufacturer, DJI, sent 100 of its drones to police, fire, and public safety organizations in 22 states, ostensibly to help in the battle against the spread of the CCP virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, wrote The Epoch Times.
Tonight Tucker Carlson spoke with Congressman Matt Gaetz regarding the use of Chines drones built by a company called DJI for use in assuring social distancing by American police departments across the country. Gaetz is pressuring the Justice Department to outlaw use of these devices.
"China is massively expanding a trojan horse spying operation in our country and your local police department may be unknowingly helping them....Homeland Security wrote this is precisely the kind of information that China might sell to terrorists...," offered Gaetz.

So, to boil it down, China is training Islamic clerics in extremist ideology that has a history of global terror, while at the same time filming American local targets across our country due to the naïveté of local police departments.
This is all while Chinese intelligence agencies have advised for China to be prepared for armed conflict with the U.S.
No, the Chinese military cannot defeat America's armed forces on the open battlefield, but as we have seen with the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, asymmetric warfare works. David can defeat Goliath with the right weapons. China has thousands of years of history in using deceit and subterfuge to defeat an enemy.
President Trump just signed an executive order to harden our electrical grid. Perhaps POTUS has seen these reports as well.
We're at war with China. We're just in denial.
Shoot the Drones out of the sky.