During a press conference this morning, where more audio tapes were released of former Vice President Joe Biden colluding with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to use American security services to destroy corruption witness Aleksander Onyshchenko, former Ukrainian Prosecutor Konstantine Kulik declared the full amount of the recently-discovered bribe to end investigations into Burisma and Hunter Biden was actually $50 million, not $6 million as recently reported.
Kulik openly wondered during the press conference where the rest of the money was, mentioning American Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, reported Ukrainian news outlet 112..ua.
"The initial amount of the bribe was not 6 million. The size of the bribe was 50 million US dollars," the ex-prosecutor said, showing relevant documents.
“The representatives of Burisma have already delegated this Andrei Kichu to negotiations with prosecutors of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine in 2019. I have in my hands a report from the prosecutor from my group investigating the Burisma case. As follows from the report, Burisma and the Deputy Prosecutor General Enin tried to influence the closure of the case, "Kulik emphasized.
“One of the episodes of official suspicion of Zlochevsky in case No. 1590, which supposedly was supposed to be closed for 6 million, includes the facts of Zlochevsky’s complicity in money laundering using Burisma, as well as Rosemont Seneca Boa Devon Archer from the Biden family’s orbit. $50 million to close not only Zlochevsky’s case, but also against a company close to former US Vice President Joe Biden. When Burisma representatives were detained in a bribe of 6 million, Rosemont Seneca Boa, and, accordingly, payments to Biden in the case were not discussed. Sytnyk [National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine head Artem Sytnyk] personally confirmed this at his recent press conference, "Kulik summarized.
"In turn, MP Andrei Derkach stressed that Biden was suspected, but his involvement disappeared along the way along with another 44 million dollars, which were the main part of the bribe.
“Everyone made good money. Even stranger is the fact that the absence of Biden’s name in the case in which he definitely appears. The head of NABU Sytnyk, offering not to interfere in international political processes. The cynicism of the proposal goes through the roof. After all, it was Sytnyk who interfered in the presidential election in the USA in 2016, using fakes like the so-called “black ledger” in the case of Trump’s chief of staff - Paul Manafort, and Synyk admitted on tape “worked for Hillary,” Ukrainian MP Derkach summed up.
"Enin continues to this day to communicate with George Kent, reporting weekly over the telephone about the situation," the MP said.
As CDMedia has reported in-depth since November, the rabbit hole of American official corruption in Ukraine, including the State Departement, CIA, FBI, and the Executive Branch is truly astounding. Why this isn't more discussed in the legacy media, well, we guess is understandable, considering their agenda and allegiances.
good read !
So Biden is not only a pedophile and sexual predator, but he's also a true criminal and thief. He should be in fricking prison!!!
Just another democrat crook that won't be prosecuted. Goes to show, crime pays.
Maybe it's time for patriots to have "Peaceful Protests" at all the fake news sources if you know what I mean. Every single one being print, broadcast, or NPR. Just dress as BLM/Antifa and it's all good.
Chances are more than even, considering the polls, that Biden will be in the White House and will be impervious to any criminal prosecution.
Maybe some of the money ended up with the media that favors him so.
The media is just frantic to get rid of Trump and will cover up any crime imaginable to get him out of the White House and Joe Biden the President.
When truly stupendous amounts of money or being laundered, 50 million in this case, but a billion dollars of American aid money missing.
The networks, and print media will do anything to get their man into the White House.
Likely, they got away with it.
Even if Ukraine determines Biden was complicit and culpable, the American justice system will never accept it.
Manafort will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Chances are no one will ever threaten the Democrats again.
I'm glad this has finally been verified. Some of us have known this for a good while.
[…] Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: Where’s The Rest Of The $44 Million Bribe Joe? […]
[…] Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: Where’s The Rest Of The $44 Million Bribe Joe? […]