Why Is Radio Free Europe Campaigning For Joe Biden?
Screenshot RFERL

The U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFERL) was formed to fight communism and to spread the message of liberty and freedom into totalitarian-controlled populations behind the Iron Curtain and beyond. Even with the installation of a new head of government broadcasting, conservative Michael Pack, it seems the agency is still just a campaign arm of the DNC and the Soros machine. Just another example of the infiltration of American government by 'progressive' activists.

Yesterday an article was posted on RFERL.com which was nothing but a campaign ad for Joe Biden. It complains of the Trump White House using the wrong photo in an ad depicting riots in American cities.

A campaign ad for U.S. President Donald Trump that aims to promote him as a guarantor of public safety features a photo of pro-democracy protesters in Ukraine battling with police during the 2014 Maidan events, writes RFERL on July 22.

You can read the full article here.

What does this article have to do with injecting truth into repressive societies in Eastern Europe and other areas of the world?

This is direct interference into the 2020 presidential campaign on the side of the Biden campaign, funded by your tax dollars.