• Report: Deep State Delayed Trump's 'Muslim Ban' Because It Prevented Brennan's Jihadis From Entering US To Train, Form Antifa

    August 27, 2020

    Is This What General Michael Flynn Knows?

    Report: Deep State Delayed Trump's 'Muslim Ban' Because It Prevented Brennan's Jihadis From Entering US To Train, Form Antifa

    We think all Americans realize that what has gone on it the last decade in America was not a natural occurrence. The riots, sedition, push for socialism, immigration of Islamic extremists, etc, etc, did not happen on its own. As we have said, it was all planned, and executed with precision by the Obama Administration and its holdovers in the Trump administration, with the support of the corrupt media, DNC, and Silicon Valley big-tech censorship, to destroy the vision of our Founding Fathers. There is a coordinated psychological operation using military technology being run against the American people, and it's continuing to happen as we write.

    It's still going on. The Information Operation (now supported with a terrorist army) is STILL going on.

    In a piece that references 'John Brennan’s Babies- Bringing the Terrorists home', journalist George Elliason, an American journalist in the Donbass region of East Ukraine, discusses how former Obama CIA Director John Brennan brought Syrian Jihadis, that he trained with American Special Forces, back to the United States to train and help form the 'boots on the ground' DNC brownshirts, more affectionately called 'Antifa'.

    We're seeing the results every night on the evening news.

    John Brennan brought the same US-trained experienced terrorists into the US after the election he was working with before the election. Some of those terrorists trained Antifa. Even more, are working with BLM now. They have battle experience and according to the Army Special Forces (Green Beret) trainers consisted mostly of ISIS/IGIL, writes Elliason.

    In late 2016 and early 2017, when the US media was pushing for Syrian freedom fighters to get asylum in the US ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration, this is who they were pushing to get into the country to get the boots on the ground.

    That media along with coup planners made it the second biggest point of protest during the 2017 Women’s march which included a protest against what the media called the Muslim ban.


    “Nobody believes in it. You’re like, ‘Fuck this,’” a former Green Beret says of America’s covert and clandestine programs to train and arm Syrian militias. “Everyone on the ground knows they are jihadis. No one on the ground believes in this mission or this effort, and they know they are just training the next generation of jihadis, so they are sabotaging it by saying, ‘Fuck it, who cares?’”


    “I don’t want to be responsible for Nusra guys saying they were trained by Americans,” the Green Beret added. A second Special Forces soldier commented that one Syrian militia they had trained recently crossed the border from Jordan on what had been pitched as a large-scale shaping operation that would change the course of the war. Watching the battle on a monitor while a drone flew overhead, “We literally watched them, with 30 guys in their force, run away from three or four ISIS guys.”

    Another militia commander came back to Jordan to be debriefed by CIA case officers stationed at Damascus X, the exiled CIA station now located in Amman, Jordan, since departing Syria’s capital after the civil war began. The Syrian proxy broke down saying that he might as well join ISIS — something the case officer had to talk him out of.

    Meanwhile, in Turkey, a similar quagmire unfolded. Among the rebels that U.S. Special Forces and Turkish Special Forces were training, “A good 95 percent of them were either working in terrorist organizations or were sympathetic to them,” a Green Beret associated with the program said, adding, “A good majority of them admitted that they had no issues with ISIS and that their issue was with the Kurds and the Syrian regime.” Like the militias being trained in Jordan, the rebels being trained in Turkey were not ready for combat. “It is not in their blood to be fighters. A large majority of them are criminals,” a Green Beret said. Many were foreign fighters, some from Iraq. One even turned out to be a Lebanese drug smuggler.

    “The majority of these guys have been coached on what to say at the training site and give cookie-cutter answers,” the Special Forces soldier told SOFREP. They would portray themselves as being secular, but the Americans could tell who the hardliners were because they didn’t smoke (jihadis follow Wahhabi Islam, which does not permit it) and looked at the Green Berets with disdain.

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    Regarding then President Trump's travel ban issued in 2017 -- In reality, the Syrian asylum seekers were from groups the Green Beret trainers and CIA pegged at 95% ISIS members, supporters, or sympathizers. The so-called Muslim ban put a moratorium on importing seasoned ISIS murderers and rapists into the US.

    Since ISIS is running the refugee camps and deciding who gets to emigrate to the US and Europe, what group do you think was going to the US in 2017 from the Syrian refugee camps?

    The 'travel ban' was halted by the courts for months to allow this terrorist immigration flow, started by Obama, to continue.

    Perhaps this is part of what General Michael Flynn knows? Perhaps this is why they are so desperate to keep him from talking before the election...something to think about.


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    As far as one can judge from a recently leaked internal document, a special report to US Congress for the 2014 financial year on the issue of migration prepared by the US DHS states that in 2014, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services applied 1,519 exemptions to individual applicants granted refugee status, resident status, and the official protection of the US government. And the most interesting thing is that in one way or another, all of these people have links with terrorist groups and extensive experience of subversive activities.

    One can only speculate on the kind of future wars the US has in mind if it is planning to use such specific migrants as a weapon.


    Gee, wonder if Mr. Durham asked Brennan about THIS last week!

    Bob Humble

    I want to think General Flynn has information and willing to talk but I do not see what keeps him from talking NOW. The case against Flynn has nothing to do with any of this. Whatever information he has that could expose the traitors GWB and Obama should be made public ASAP. I do believe GWB and Obama were both traitors to the US and were importing terror into this country, the evidence is overwhelming BUT I refuse to put all my eggs into the Flynn basket. If the information he has was that critical he would have already delivered it into the appropriate hands.

    Concerned Citizen

    Wouldn't even need a standout legal talent as Attorney General at this point, even Matlock could suffice to deliver some justice. Any justice.


    arrest, try, execute: pelosi, schumer, clinton, brennan, comey, waters, green, obama, lynch, srice, jarrett, soros, zucker, zuckerberg, sulzberger jr......end page one of five.......


    The deep state is scum traitors destroying our country, aiding terrorists, working for China, making $billions on deals with China. Hanging is too good for them. They deserve slow torture, fractured bones daily, 1/4 inch slicing of appendages daily. And if Barr and Durham do not arrest these higher up officials, then they are deep state as well. American Justice must be dealt to these criminal traitors one way or the other.


    Wow...it sure is a lucky thing for Democrats that they're above the law!

    GOAT 45

    "We cannot rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We gotta have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

    Bozo - July 2008

    His security force now roams our streets destroying American cities and attacking patriotic Americans.

    […] Report: Deep State Delayed Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Because It Prevented Brennan&rsquo… […]

    Tom Hayhurst

    Let me see just one of these held "accountable". What evidence does it take? Fake evidence got them a FISA warrant and millions of dollars spent to come up empty handed. We read a dump load full of evidence and cant even get an indictment. Sure makes one wonder what is going on yet behind the scenes.

    Infintie Sunshine

    TBh, this just adds to news that is years old. They are here. We know where their training camps are. We have not done what it will take to close them.


    […] (2) Report: Deep State Delayed Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ […]

    […] Report: Deep State Delayed Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Because It Prevented Brennan&rsquo… […]

    […] In Syria, Obama literally organized an army of jihadists to oppose Bashar Assad and used American Special Forces to train them. We’ve written about this extensively. […]


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