• Ukrainian MP Alleges US Acting Ambassador To Ukraine Having Affair With Head Of Soros-Funded Activist Group

    September 17, 2020
    Kristina Kvien

    Ukrainian MEP Andrii Derkatch, who earlier this week released more audio tapes of then Vice President Joe Biden trashing the incoming Trump administration to former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, calling President-Elect Trump a 'dog', has alleged the acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Charge d'Affaires Kristina Kvien is having an affair with the head of a Soros-funded activist group Vitaly Shabunin.

    Shabunin runs the 'anti-corruption' NGO AntAc which is heavily-funded by Soros-connected entities. AntAc was alleged to have misused millions of dollars of American aid of which the U.S. Embassy at the time prevented Ukrainian prosecutors from investigating, according to reports by John Solomon at The Hill.

    While the 2016 presidential race was raging in America, Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC), wrote Solomon in The Hill.

    The prosecutors soon would learn the resistance they faced was blowing directly from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, where the Obama administration took the rare step of trying to press the Ukrainian government to back off its investigation of both the U.S. aid and the group.

    It turns out the group that Ukrainian law enforcement was probing was co-funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega-donor George Soros. And it was collaborating with the FBI agents investigating then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s business activities with pro-Russian figures in Ukraine.

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    The Left has alleged Derkatch is a Russian agent pushing disinformation and attempting to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. However, Derkatch has release multiple authentic audio tapes of Biden confirming he interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and that my friends, is collusion. The Biden campaign has not refuted the accuracy of the tapes.

    The corporate media has ignored the tapes altogether. CDMedia would not normally report such salacious information; however, a relationship with the U.S. Ambassador in Ukraine and the Soros establishment ensconced throughout the country is big news, and shows Deep State corruption prior to the election. This is real election interference.. And, based on the authenticity of Derkatch's previous releases, and the refusal of the Biden campaign to deal with their authenticity, gives credence to the claims of Derkatch.


    The U.S. Treasury Department recently sanctioned Derkatch for releasing this information. Derkatch has also previously released information that the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk, was intimately involved in helping the Clinton campaign against Trump in 2016, releasing the infamous 'black ledger' that was later found to be fraudulent, but implicating former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in illegal payments in Ukraine from the Yanukyvcih government, resulting in his leaving the campaign. Sytnyk was caught on tape admitting to helping Clinton.

    NABU is where the Burisma investigations against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden corruption were sent to be covered up, according to CDMedia reporting.

    You can read our over 60 articles on the corruption of Biden/DNC/Clinton/Deep State in Ukraine here.


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    […] post Ukrainian MP Alleges US Acting Ambassador To Ukraine Having Affair With Head Of Soros-Funded Activis… appeared first on CD […]

    conway poppa

    Once again the nasty face of George Soros pops up.
    when is this POS going to be neutralized?


    I wonder if either or both are playing the honey trap against the other. Either way, this should not be condoned or allowed to continue.


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