• Burisma Paid Hunter Biden More Than Other Company Directors

    October 28, 2020
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    EDITOR'S NOTE. - We initially posted that Hunter Biden was paid 'twice' as much as the other directors. The correct headline is that Hunter Biden was paid 'more than other directors'.

    CDMedia is scanning Hunter Biden's laptop and will be releasing information over the next few days.

    The emails shown in this article clarify Hunter Biden's relationship with the Ukrainian energy holding company Burisma. The second email shows Burisma paid Hunter Biden more than other company directors.

    We wonder why?

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    Why is no one looking at Ihor Kolomoisky in regards to Bruisma??? He is the one that had control when Hunter joined. He and his partners have laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in the US. https://web.archive.org/web/20140801040815/http://antac.org.ua/en/2012/08/kings-of-ukrainian-gas/



    He is the one that took US congressional money and then moved it out through his bank https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/breaking-fbi-raids-us-company-ties-ukrainian-bank-tied-hunter-bidens-burisma-lost-billions-imf-us-funds/

    I recently watched the interview with Matthew Tyrmand and he mentioned your Ukraine coverage. But you coverage on Ihor is also lacking. I have some very good stuff I dug up on Ukraine last March. Stuff like:

    "4 February 2014 phone call instructing the U.S. Ambassador whom to place in charge of the new regime when the coup will be completed. Victoria Nuland, whose boss was Secretary of State John Kerry, "


    Please let me know if you might want some of my research


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