Second Installment - A Series On Georgia Election Integrity

Why Won’t Georgia Legislature Investigate 2020 General Election Anomalies?
Image by connor.carey 

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The Republican legislature in the state of Georgia has the power to find out what actually happened on Nov 3rd of last year. However, they don't want to. That is completely obvious.

So we at CDMedia decided to lay out all the legislative election integrity issues in plain sight for the people to understand what their legislature is up to, or should I say, not up to.

Installment One

Here we go...

Speaker David Ralston formed a new Election Review Committee and tapped Barry Fleming to head it. In 2019, Fleming sponsored HB316 that legalized unverifiable voting accumulated from bar codes and allowed Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to purchase the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 system. The legislators who sponsored that bill were members of David Ralston’s leadership team.

The legislators were warned of future problems by hundreds of citizens who testified in legislative and SAFE Voting System Commission hearings as well as a VoterGA written recommendation report.

Senate Judiciary Sub Committee hearings and House Government Affairs hearings chaired by Sen. Ligon and Rep. Blackmon provided convincing facts & evidence of wrongdoing & cover-up: 12/3. (12/10, 12/30 – See Events Tab)

There are at least four sworn affidavits from 20-year poll managers indicating they handled counterfeit ballots in the Fulton County audit as explained in the VoterGA Ballot Inspection lawsuit on Legal tab.

Republican leaders ignored hundreds of Georgians in public testimony.

There is visual evidence of illegal scanning ballots at State Farm Arena.

There are massive, inexplicable vote spikes in Fulton, DeKalb and other counties in both the Nov 3rd and Jan 5th election.

The Dominion voting systems failed to tabulate or operate correctly in several counties in both the Nov 3rd and Jan 5th elections.

There is evidence that the Dominion system flipped votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the November 3rd election.

Senate Majority leader Mike Dugan is announcing an omnibus election bill to correct the problems, however, the Senate leadership stripped chairmanships from Senators who wanted to investigate the counterfeit ballots and authorize forensic exams for Dominion voting systems that failed to tabulate results correctly.

House and Senate leaders who created the problems with HB316 now claim we should trust them to fix them. The leaders want to offer solutions to problems without investigating what the problems actually are. Now it's their turn to act. The General Assembly should immediately instruct counties to allow forensic inspection of physical ballots and questionable Dominion election management systems and turn all evidence directly over to a federal or state grand jury for a REAL investigation. VoterGA has called on these legislators to do just that in a letter drafted to the leaders.


If you would like a grand jury investigation into the 2020 Presidential election sign the form letter and Email it to [email protected] with the word “Petition” in the Subject line

Inclusion Petition for Grand Jury Investigation of 2020 Election Fraud

Inclusion Form Letter

Original Petition

General Assembly Call for Forensic Exams and Grand Jury Investigation 

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