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CDMedia has been investigating the issue of biological labs in Ukraine for some time. We have sources on the ground who have been looking at the issue for several years. Rather than repeat what is already in the news, CDMedia will be releasing multiple stories on the issue in the next few weeks.

Our sources in Ukraine produced documents some time ago showing a partnership with Ukraine for research into biological pathogens after the fall of the Soviet Union. This joint venture was alleged to have stopped during the Viktor Yanykovych regime, but restarted after the Maidan Revolution as the documents below state.

It is a fact the US Government is involved in biological research facilities in Ukraine. The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv removed information to this fact from their website, just prior to the current hostilities. The only questions are -- what is the agenda of these facilities; are dangerous pathogens contained in US/Ukrainian labs on the ground in Ukraine?

Below is yesterday's response from the Department of State after their employee Victoria Nuland admitted in a Congressional hearing there are biological labs working currently in Ukraine.

The documents below were acquired via open source.

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