Former FBI agent Karen Greenaway

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CD Media described yesterday how our source Oleksandr Onyshchenko described 'off the books' payments to Hunter Biden, Vice President Biden's son, from Burisma the Ukrainian gas company, during the Obama Administration. Joe Biden has been accused of pressuring Ukraine to stop the investigation into Burisma, where his son sat on the board. Onyshchenko went on record confirming Hunter Biden received 'official' and 'unofficial' payments in the millions of dollars.

CD Media also reported yesterday that Onyshchenko described how former FBI agent Karen Greenaway ran the Deep State's effort to coverup alleged Biden family corruption. At the time, Greenaway was in charge of battling corruption throughout Eastern Europe for the Obama Administration at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Today Onyshchenko confirmed to CD Media that Karen Greenaway pushed Onyshchenko to meet and pressured him to stop talking to the press about Biden corruption, before communication between Greenaway and Onyshchenko was terminated by Greenaway's attorney, Martha Boersch.

Other sources inside Ukraine, who do not want to be identified for fear of retribution, described to CD Media how they presented detailed and lengthy information to Karen Greenaway on alleged Bank of Ukraine corruption involving the theft of hundreds of millions of IMF aid, run by Valeriya Gontareva at the time, in 2017 but nothing was done to our source's knowledge. The card below is from that meeting.

When our sources also presented detailed and lengthy information on Hunter Biden corruption in Ukraine to Agent Karen Greenaway, she literally ran out of the room and would not talk to them any further, our sources declared.

Several months after this meeting, one of our sources found a car bomb under his vehicle. A video of this incident exists.

CD Media does not have any connection between this event and the meeting with Greenaway.

CD Media will be releasing more information on this case very soon as we confirm its accuracy.