• Investigation Of Burisma Financial Frauds And The Connection To Companies Founded, Managed And Led By Hunter Biden, Devon Archer And Christopher Heinz

    September 7, 2023
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    Burisma Holdings
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    KYIV - We follow the development of the drama that surrounds Hunter Biden and the infamous Burisma holdings founded by the criminal oligarch Zlochevskiy. A lot of information has been already published by various sources of information. Our sources in Ukraine still know that there are a lot of details to be uncovered. 

    We would like you to take a look at the document (see below) that the Office of the General Prosecutor in Ukraine presented to the President of Ukraine Zelenskiy in around 2020. President Zelenskiy didn’t act on this list of proposed actions. We observe the situation and see that the Justice in Ukraine and the Arbiter of the Constitution of Ukraine Zelenskiy act selectively. 

    As you can see from the text below, the Office of the General Prosecutor in Ukraine tried to establish a working group with the Department of Justice in the USA by sending formal letters asking for cooperation in investigations, issuance of subpoenas, collection of data, tracing transactions, etc.

    According to our source, the representative of the Office of the General Prosecutor and the representatives of the FBI had meetings in Kyiv discussing the possible cooperation in investigation of those matters. 

    As you apparently understand right now, the investigations did not proceed in Ukraine – shall we say they were halted by some decision? – and then the representatives of the Department of Justice in the USA chose not to address the letters and propositions from the Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine.

    In the text below you see interesting connections and transactions of high-caliber state officials involved: former President Poroshenko, acting as a business partner and possibly a shareholding partner in companies where Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz have their shares "ROSEMONT SENECA BOHAI LLC", "WIRELOGIC TECHNOLOGY AS" and "DIGITEX ORGANIZATION LLP" to the company "Burisma Holding Limited" and, quoting from the original text below “as well as the circumstances of the payment during this period of consulting services to the entourage of the vice president of the USA J. Biden, ex-president of Poland O. Kwasniewski and entourage of Poroshenko P.O.”

    As you will see from the text below, the information might have been used by some parties in action to ask former President Poroshenko and some of the related parties to do something in exchange for something – a political quid pro quo is seen here. Another option of the investigation is that it might have been used as a tool to gain some political and financial decisions on behalf of some parties involved. 

    We would like to raise questions for further investigation:

    1. Why the Justice in Ukraine and the USA is selective in choosing what to investigate and prosecute?
    2. Who benefited from the halt of the prosecution on the aforementioned companies?
    3. Who are the related parties involved with the companies described in the original text below?

    An Excerpt from the Action Plan proposed by the Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine

    Translated from the Ukrainian language

    Source: Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine


    Action plan:

    1. Conducting searches in the company "Burisma Holding Limited", interrogations of the company's management and employees in order to establish the circumstances of illegal obtaining of special permits for the use of subsoil, participation in the legalization of funds of members of a criminal organization, including the Kozak/Medvedchuk group, payments to foreign lobbyists and entourage Poroshenko P.O.

    2. To seize the corporate rights of Burisma Holding Limited, Pari LLC, Esko-Pivnich LLC, First Ukrainian Gas and Oil Company LLC, and others, and transfer them to ARMA management.

    3. To conduct an audit of the activities of Burisma Holding Limited in order to establish the amount of profits obtained as a result of the illegal use of special permits for the use of subsoil.

    4. Notice of suspicion to lawyer Kichi A.V. and Dovbenko A.M. for complicity in the crimes described in the story, choosing a preventive measure for them. At the same time, take measures to resume the investigation regarding Kichi A.V. and M.V. Zlochevskyi, which was carried out by the UK Anti-Fraud Office (closed, with the assistance of the leadership of the GPU, by providing false testimony to Kichi A.V. and forging documents on the origin of 23 million US dollars).

    5. Seizure of the property of Kichi A.V., Zlochevskyi M.V. and Dovbenka A.M. Interrogation of suspects Kichi A.V. and Dovbenka A.M. regarding the circumstances of the above-mentioned crimes, including making illegal payments to Poroshenko's entourage P.O.

    6. Conclusion of an agreement with a fictitious person - a participant in the above-mentioned events, for the purpose of confiscation to the budget of the property and property rights of the Kherson oil transfer company, Burisma Holding Limited, Pari LLC, Esko-Pivnich LLC, First Ukrainian Gas and Oil Company LLC .

    7. To announce the suspicion of Pozu M.O. for complicity in embezzlement of NBU funds in the amount of UAH 800 million. and legalization of funds of the Kozak/Medvedchuk group, by transferring them from the companies "WIRELOGIC TECHNOLOGY AS" and "DIGITEX ORGANIZATION LLP" to the accounts of the company "Burisma Holding Limited".

    8. Send a request for international legal assistance to the USA for the purpose of conducting investigative actions with persons involved in the activities of the company "ROSEMONT SENECA BOHAI LLC". To establish the full circumstances of the transfer of funds from the companies "WIRELOGIC TECHNOLOGY AS" and "DIGITEX ORGANIZATION LLP" to the company "Burisma Holding Limited", as well as the circumstances of the payment during this period of consulting services to the entourage of the vice president of the USA J. Biden, ex-president of Poland O. Kwasniewski and entourage of Poroshenko P.O.

    9. Announcement of suspicions against T.R. Kozak and P.O. Poroshenko. according to Part 1 of Article 255; Part 4 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 364, Part 4 of Article 28, Part 3 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

    10. Seizure of the corporate rights of the TV channels NewsOne, "112 Ukraine", ZIK, their transfer to ARMA, the funds for the purchase of which were obtained through criminal means, and which are the property of the suspect T.R. Kozak. Seizure of other property of the suspects.

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