• Chinavirus Testing Is Fake And Dumb

    April 20, 2020
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    Monday morning a report titled "Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience" was released to (Fake) ABC News wich called COVID-19 "a profound threat to our democracy, comparable to the Great Depression and World War II." The lead author of the report, Danielle Allen, a professor at Harvard University's Edmond J.Safra Center on Ethics says, "What people need to recognize is that a massively scaled-up testing, tracing and supported isolation system is the alternative to national quarantine. We all had to learn PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] and we all had to learn about flattening the curve … now we have to learn about TTSI." The report claims that ending the quarantine safely will require testing, tracing, and supported isolation, a combination known by the acronym TTSI.

    Chinavirus Testing Is Fake And Dumb
    Microsoft's Lila Tretikov wants to contact trace everyone in America
    photo by Henry Kellner

    How much TTSI does America need?

    According to the Harvard "roadmap" test producers will need to deliver 5 million tests per day by early June to safely open parts of the economy by late July. To "fully re-mobilize the economy," the country will need to see testing grow to 20 million a day but the report admits, "we acknowledge that even this number may not be high enough."

    You got that America? This blue-state panel of Left-wing thought leaders including 45 economists, social scientists, lawyers and ethicists say that the nation needs to be running 20 million (20,000,000) COVID-19 tests per day(!) before the citizens can get back to work. America only has 320 million people in it so this recommendation would ask every citizen in the country be tested every two weeks.

    "You can think of it as a Marshall Plan. You can also think of it as Eisenhower's highway infrastructure, building all those great roads across the country," Allen said. "What we really need is for the federal government to set up a pandemic testing supply board that will coordinate the supply chain and achieve that massive ramp up as quickly as possible."

    The Harvard ethicists have written a report making outrageous, and based on the capacity of Roche Diagnostics and Abbott Laboratories an impossible, goal of 20 million tests per day for the sole purpose of forcing the Federal Government to take on the responsibility of testing. Six of the authors were Harvard professors and six more were from Microsoft Corp. including Lila Tretikov, Global Leader, World Economic Forum; CVP o/CTO Microsoft; Board Director, Onfido; Advisor on Innovation, United Nations. She is the former executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation who was forced to resign over the controversial Knowledge Engine project which tried to locate and display "verifiable" and "trustworthy" information on the Internet.

    The institutions affiliated with this report are The Breakthrough Institute, National Domestic Workers Alliance, New America, Niskanen Center, Radicalxchange Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Santa Fe Institute and Third Way which are all left wing strongholds. The entire project has the feel of a fake report meant to slow the economic revival of America and keep people trapped in their home until mid-summer at the earliest.

    Not Just Testing, But Tracing

    Not surprisingly the new report says testing for the virus alone is not enough. The techno/ethisists call for large-scale contact tracing of the nations citizens. These human contact tracers notify anyone who might have been exposed to the virus and recommend they get tested. ''It means calling people, finding who they have been in contact with and then contacting these individuals and having individuals quarantine at home for 14 days and have them call in to see if they report symptoms,'' said Crystal Watson, a senior scholar at Johns Hopkins and one of the lead authors of a recent study from Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. So a free citizen will be sitting at their office and get a call from Microsoft telling them to quarantine for 2 weeks because the pizza delivery guy who brought a pie last weekend has tested positive for Chinavirus.

    The Johns Hopkins study recommends investing $3.6 billion to hire and train 100,000 contact tracing personnel. The new Harvard report goes even further, recommending hiring hundreds of thousands of contact tracers. Who would hire this army of contact tracing sleuths tasked with tracking the movements of their fellow citizens? The report recommends that the Federal Government take on those new employees - what a surprise.

    Testing is not the answer

    Chinavirus is a stealth virus that can remain dormant in the body, the only way to know who has it is to test except for one big problem - the tests don't work. There are a vast number of false positives for testing and some sick people test negative after recovery and then, inexplicably, test positive again.

    "One of the biggest challenges with COVID is the number of people who are asymptomatic carriers," Allen said. "It's hard to zero in on the number, but 20% to 40% of people who have the virus are asymptomatic. … That means you've got a whole lot of people out there spreading the virus around and we haven't been able to do anything about it."

    Asymptomatic carriers, recurring infection, mild symptoms for the vast majority of those who do get sick all add up to a virus that can't be contained without the hard won solution of herd immunity. The only way to achieve herd immunity with a lab created bio weapon designed to kill the elderly and sick is by allowing the virus to slowly spread throughout the population. Chinavirus is not AIDS, nor is it as deadly as the often cited Spanish Flu of 100 years ago, so testing and contact tracing will be ineffective at spreading the disease in a controlled way. The sole purpose of the TTSI hysteria is to retard economic growth and keep people scared and isolated in a debased attempt to harm the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.


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    Julie Martin

    Glad to see someone writing about the lack of testing, & the need for a federally run program with a clear plan! There are other companies trying to get into the COVID-19 testing, but hitting Brock walls with CDC. It’s as if the CDC does not want to allow tests to the mainstream, only to those already confined, like in prisons, elder care homes, & in hospitals! How does that move us towards finding answers from testing those who want to get back to work & those who reported some of the symptoms & those a-symptomatic?
    Someone needs to take charge of this now!


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