• Western Australia Descends Into Communist Coronavirus Madness

    January 31, 2021
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    One Case Causes Complete Lockdown In Perth Area

    Australia Descends Into Communist Coronavirus Madness
    Playground closed due to COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
    Image by Philip Mallis

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    One case. One case of coronavirus in Western Australia (WA) has caused the entire region to be completely locked down for five days. Of course, WA has been free of the CCP virus for ten months. However, do Australian leaders really think they can avoid infections? And with the vaccine widely available now, and multiple highly-effective therapies for the pathogen also distributed far and wide, why would a rational politician do such a thing to their 'subjects'?

    Western Australian officials are taking these measure against all scientific evidence of what works to combat the virus and ensure a healthy population. The lockdowns will cause massive depression, alcoholism, fear, suicides, divorce, and long-term harm for children. The world has come to realize that allowing the infection to spread through younger populations while protection those at risk is the best long-term strategy for a healthy outcome -- to control risk and to achieve herd immunity.

    But, these politicians obviously have another agenda instead of ensuring public health.

    These lockdowns are a means of control. Australia is famously infiltrated and compromised by the Chinese Communist Party. These leaders are cow-towing to Beijing and Chairman Xi, and their globalist minders.

    The lockdowns are simply a political tactic to help usher in Marxist control.

    Comments below from a resident in Western Australia...


    Hi mate, 

    So I'll start with a little perspective with Western Australia. If it was its own country it would be the 10th biggest in the world with a population of 2.5 million.  2 million is in Perth City spread out over  6418 square kilometres. The population density is roughly 300 people per square kilometre. Of that 2.5 million people, only 220 000 are over the age of 70 (those most at risk from Covid).

    April 2020 they made it that all returning Australians (no foreigners are allowed so shut from the world) have to do 2 weeks mandatory hotel quarantine. When I did this, in April there was no testing. They only introduced the testing mandatory 5 months ago. 

    Western Australia also closed its borders to the rest of Australia till November 2020. They have shut down and enforced quarantine ever since over one case or two in other states and setting un realistic expectations — 28 days no Covid and he will open the borders. 

    We had a strict 3 month lockdown as well from March 15 to June 26th (roughly) - sold to us under the cover of “Flatten the curve”, which was flattened and dead by April 2020 in WA. 
    Since then they have slowly eased restrictions but some are still in place. 

    Today, January 31st, at 11am an emergency press conference was announced by the premier of the state Mark McGowan for 12noon (later delayed to 1245pm)  This set off panic buying in the shops. Within hours super market shelves were wiped clean. 

    The entire press conference is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpwjAPIHuBU

    A few notes of point. 

    1. The Security worker who got Covid wasn’t tested at the end of his shift pattern.

    2. He was working as an uber driver too. 

    3. He was working on the floor with a positive test case. 

    4. He went for PCR test (the only testing available in all of Australia) and despite him working high risk environment and exposure to a known Covid case. His test was not labelled important and it took 72 hours to be done. 

    5. Government clearly had no other plan other lockdowns. 

    6. His 3 housemates all tested negative but yet they harp on about contagious the virus is (Despite a woman in QLD and New Zealand testing positive and spent 3 days with family friends and didn’t pass on.

    A few key points of interest. After 10 months since Western Australia announced mandatory hotel quarantine for all returning Australians, they have failed to properly set up regular testing for all hotel staff, security and police officers who patrol. This only started to happen a week ago. The government was happy to criticise Melbourne Australia who had a 2nd outbreak due to breaches back in July but yet needed 7 months to set up their own. 

    The lockdown includes. 

    1. Mandatory face masks everywhere outside even exercise. 

    2. Schools and everything closed for a week, except for pharmacies and shops. 

    3. Regions lockdown include Perth metro, Peel region and South West. Thats an area ion 600kms. Somehow, the north isn’t lock downed.

    4. Region check points and G2 passes required with valid reason to travel between these regions (I live south Perth, the Peel region is 2 kms away from me, I am closer to the city of Mandurah then Perth City)

    5. Only allowed outside an hour a day for exercise where we live. 

    6. Weddings, funerals, only allowed ten peopleAnd so much more

    The Centre for independent studies published this https://www.cis.org.au/publications/analysis-papers/victims-of-failure-how-the-covid-19-policy-response-let-down-australians/ and was not reported on in Australia. 

    The premier Mark McGowan used to post daily on Facebook “That western Australia health care is well equipped for the outbreak” He always says these things are based on health advice. But yet, the health advice is never released publicly. The Chief health officer is never at any press conference. 
    The real issue is the media here promotes him. I'll attach some propaganda the West Australian Media uses. 

    But most of all what worries me is how easily the people of Western Australia and Australia are quick to surrender their human rights.  I'll attach some links for comments to view from the people. The attacks that happen to people if you don’t fit the narrative. They say it's based on science, and when you show science to say lockdowns don’t work and Covid isn’t that bad you get labelled a conspiracy theorist. The government here has used the threat of lockdowns to justify border closures. Threatening for months to close down over one Covid case. This has kept people compliant here. People will attack you if you fly to another state and attack those who fly here. I attached a screenshot when I questioned state lockdowns, someone attacked me and I gave back. 

    I'll attach some pics of the propaganda from the media. As well as them using images from other countries and claiming as news here in Australia. (Channel 7 news showed vision from Italy hospitals and claimed it was Melbourne.)The media and government also loves to compare Australia to the UK or USA, constantly saying if we open up we will have as many deaths as the USA and UK
    https://www.facebook.com/thewestaustralian/ this is the only newspaper in the state. And they support everything that is done. 

    Anything else you wish to know, please just ask. 


    Robert Trew


    Here is a description of the nasty restrictions from local news...

    The snap lockdown began at 6:00pm, affecting the whole Perth metropolitan area, the Peel region and the South West region.  

    It will last until 6:00pm on Friday.

    WA Premier Mark McGowan said people in the lockdown regions were required to stay home, with four exceptions:

    • Shopping for essentials like groceries, medicine and necessary supplies
    • Medical or healthcare needs, including compassionate requirements and looking after the vulnerable
    • Exercise within their neighbourhood, but only with one other person and only for one hour per day
    • Work, where you cannot work from home or remotely


    Widespread closure of businesses and venues

    Pubs, clubs, playgrounds, and gyms will close.

    Indoor sporting venues, playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor recreational facilities are also required to close for the lockdown period.

    Cinemas, entertainment venues and casinos, large religious gatherings and places of worship, libraries and cultural institutions will all be closed.

    There will be no visitors allowed to care homes or hospitals.

    Restaurants and cafes have to close too but can provide takeaway service only.

    Schools shut on eve of new term

    Schools, which were due to be re-opened tomorrow, will remain closed for another week.

    Schools outside the lockdown area will resume term as normal on Monday.

    "It is in effect an extension of the school holidays," Mr McGowan said.

    "I know for many Western Australian, this is going to come as a shock.

    "Western Australians have done so well for so long, but this week it is absolutely crucial that we stay home, maintain physical distancing and personal hygiene, and get tested if you have symptoms.

    "This is a very serious situation, and each and every one of us has to do everything we personally can to stop the spread in the community.

    The Premier also said Labor's election campaign would be suspended for the lockdown period.

    Masks are mandatory

    Mr McGowan said when people did leave home for essential travel they would be required to wear a mask at all times.

    Additionally, he said if people needed to go to work at an indoor location, wearing a mask was also mandatory.

    "To be clear, mask-wearing on public transport is also mandatory," he said.

    Mr McGowan said people in the Perth, South West and Peel regions needed to stay inside their region for the five-day lockdown unless they needed to leave for one of the approved exceptions.

    "We are strongly encouraging that everyone in this area who is from another WA region, stay here," Mr McGowan said.

    "Do not travel further outside of this area until the lockdown is over.

    If you do need to travel outside the region … you are in now, that can only occur if you need to return to your place of residence."

    The Premier said he had recommended his state and territory counterparts "put a stop to any travel into WA as an extra precautionary measure".

    "Border controls are important here and I [fully] support them to ensure that we can get through this."

    Weddings off, funerals restricted

    Only 10 people will be allowed to attend funerals, while weddings have been cancelled for the lockdown period.

    People will not be allowed to visit between households unless caring for someone vulnerable or in an emergency.

    No visitors will be allowed into aged care homes, hospitals or disability facilities unless under exceptional circumstances.

    Mr McGowan said elective surgery for category two and three would be suspended from Tuesday February 2, but category one and two could continue.

    The transport of essential goods into the regions will be allowed.

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