• Vaccine Authoritarian Messaging Must Stop - It's Killing People

    July 31, 2021
    World Erupts In Anti-Mandatory Vax, Covid-Lockdown Rage
    Massive protests in Europe Against Vaccine Passports This Week

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    Dr. Robert Malone Explains Why High Vaccination Rate Is Not The Cure For CCP Virus.

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    Similar to the distinction between astronomy and astrology, the governments of the worlds now are practicing astrology when they make public assertions about their perfect scientific method , And the actual mass-media loves and prefers too the astrology. Who discards the astrology because loves the science?
    Well, surely the mathematicians like Dr, Frank and Edward Solomon who discover in every precinct numbers of a certain county the same equation relation. When a county set of precinct's total per candidate votes stays flat when it is seen as the pool's bubles , then all the astrology regarding air-gaps and proper software conduct and very good audits is discarded, by a lover of science.
    Bellow is the equation for Fallas and Tarrant Tx.


    For those of you who are not fake Christians... The Jab is PROPHETIC. Processing the coming Messiah the leaders of the nations join Big PHARMA to deceive the world to take the Jab which is bio-warfare not medicine. Revelation 18:23 "Sorcery" is pharmaceuticals. "...for your merchants were the princes of the earth, and the ethno-linguistic nations were deceived by your pharmaceutics [drug sorceries, witchcraft]." SOMB


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