• "I Called My Children To Say Goodbye…"

    December 9, 2021

    Episode 9 - American Conversations with Vaccine Injured - Interview with Pam Stansberry

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    Host Christine Dolan talks with Pam Stansberry, a vaccine-injured patient.

    "I called my children to say goodbye…"

    This is a series of interviews with vaccine injured called American Conversations.

    Interview originally aired on September 2, 2021.

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    Blank Blank

    I have no leg aches, I have back and shoulder pain, bad brain fog, chest pain, shortness of breath, positive d-dimer. No clot found under ct scan. Tingling all up and down my spine. Happening for the past 10 days, I had 2nd dose of pfizer 3 weeks ago.

    Karen Fayard

    It's sad her daughter is breastfeeding.


    Sad…. All the people suffering with adverse reactions, their pleas for help go ignored… The medical community blame it on a host of other conditions & drop them like a hot potato— Don’t even investigate or follow up to correct what might be wrong... Insurance drops them because they elected to join in on a clinical study.. Ironically the vaccinated people who do die, their death certificates have a common denominator— complications due to the Covid China Virus.. Why would they ALL have the Covid China Virus?


    She needs to call Dr. Vladimir Zelenko to get a detox protocol from the fake vaccine ... https://vladimirzelenkomd. com/

    D Bosomworth

    My husband after taking his first vaccination of Merdna for covid 19, his blood counts started falling. No matter how many blood transfusions and other aggressive treatments, he passed 6 months later.

    America Lover

    So sorry to hear that D Bosomworth!

    Karen Marie

    Just a question: Can vaccinated people who are shedding, hurt their pets? Have seen a number of pet deaths from my friends and family

    Karen Kubik

    So if you die within / before 14 days after the shot, you will be classified as a non vaxxed death...that’s how they are messing up the numbers

    Karen Kubik

    No one in regular health should die from this virus if you are treated with hydroxichloriquin, ivermectin, vit C right away. Vit D,

    Karen Kubik

    Rash on face is lupus..the vax set off your immune system. Cytokine storm?

    Enay Brokaw

    Hydroxychloroquine, must be taken with zinc. The HCQ is what metabolizes the zinc into the cells.
    Ivermectin should be used in conjunction with Hydroxy.


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