Episode 11 - American Conversations With Vaccine Injured - Interview With Erin Rhodes
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Hosts Christine Dolan and L Todd Wood speak with vaccine-injured patient Erin Rhodes on her horrific health problems from the vaccine, as well as the 'group think' around vaccine mandates.
"Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean its not happening…"
This is a series of interviews with vaccine injured called American Conversations.
This interview was originally aired on September 7, 2021.
Erin, I think I have a lead for you. Virologist, Dr. Judy Mikovitch, in her book, “Plague of Corruption” wrote about her discovery that a contaminated mouse virus (MSRX?? something like that) used in vaccines in the 80's caused several neuro diseases, among them Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This had resonated with me because in 1990 I began having symptoms very similar to yours. It lasted a year. Flu like symptoms, extreme fatigue, aching joints, symptoms that would come and go. Unending cycles of a week or more of feeling ill, then a few days ok. Back and forth to doctors, neurologist ruled out MS, etc., Finally, my doctor diagnosed me with depression. Yes, I really empathize with you and your experience of feeling invalidated. I asked my doctor if it could be CFS, and he said no, that that was not a real “thing”. This was a common sentiment of docs at that time. And so, after researching, I diagnosed myself as having CFS and just lived with it, til it finally went away for the most part. Anyway, when I read Dr. Judy's book 30 years later (last year) and she talked about the contaminated vaccines, I knew that's what had happened to me. After listening to you and reliving my own experience, I urge you to read her book. She is speaking out now, online in various interviews. Check her out, honey. I believe you may get at least some answers. You will be in my prayers.