• Super Bowl Ad On VAX Injured Not To Run Due To Cost But You Can See It Here!

    February 13, 2022


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    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    Michigan J Frogg

    I'm calling BS on the excuse of 'Not run due to cost'. It was not run because it countered the leftist narrative...period.

    Mark Pino




    jack johnson

    Just lost my best friend of 50 years a week ago, 4 days after his 2nd Pfizer shot, he had a massive stroke and died. Just had a complete physical in Sept. and was in the hospital for Covid prior to that. They told him he had to wait until 3-4 months after Covid to get vaxxed. I told him not to do it as he had the best "immunity" there is.....antibodies.

    Cause and effect

    One girl?
    There are thousands and thousands of vaccine victims. Including thousands of deaths. Why was this ad watered down?


    I thought the same thing

    Mary Mayden

    There should be a montage ad of all the victims.

    Danny Mullins

    How can a 13-year-old sign anything to receive an experimental drug? Where were her parents?

    Poppa D

    In jail for speaking up at school meeting

    Non Yas

    Who cares? Hard to tell if that was a leftist commercial or not. 1 person, picked? From way back when it started? That's ridiculous. Thousands have been sickened and right now, still dying from those shots. Whoever came up with such a weak message, well they did a very poor job.


    The vaccination was never about preserving health, the vaccination was to maim as many as possible and depopulate the world, the Agenda 2030 plan is to remove 85% of the worlds population by 2030.


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