• Fauci’s “Safe And Effective” Vaccinations And Booster Fail Mr. “I am Science.”

    June 15, 2022
    Image by All Pro Reels

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    President Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who defiantly put the fear of God into the public over COVID-19 and claimed that covid vaccines are “safe and effective,” with only rare adverse reactions, has tested positive for covid. 

    His results showed up in a rapid antigen test, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease press release. 

    Dr. Fauci has been double-vaccinated and boosted.

    "He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials," stated the agency’s press release. 

    Since the U.S. vaccination rollout in December 2020, Fauci has stated repeatedly that the vaccinations would prevent transmission and disease. That has proven to be untrue. 

    By late summer 2021, as covid vaccinated breakthrough cases appeared, Fauci claimed the unvaccinated were getting covid as the reason. That has proven to be untrue. 

    His next campaign move to push vaccinations was that they would prevent hospitalizations and severe covid. That too has proven to be untrue. 

    Eventually, Fauci admitted that “we have to get better about these vaccinations,” as he continued to push policies for worldwide vaccinations at World Economic Forum and to the W.H.O. with the clear intent of never creating a space for any covid vaccination hesitancy. 

    Then when being repeatedly challenged, Fauci emphatically asserted his Holier than God statement,  “I am science,” to dissuade his critics.

    He claimed the vaccination injuries were rare. That also has proven to be utterly false. 

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    To date, the F.D.A. has never officially recognized the neurological and vascular injuries as reported to CDM.Press by vax injured in our American Conversations series and VAEURS, and in communications not just to Fauci, but to President Biden by the vax injured. 

    During the early 2020 stages of covid, Fauci nuked ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for early treatments, and pushed remdesivir, which proved to be deadly for some.  

    Matter of fact, vac-injured have repeatedly told CDM.Press that ivermectin helped their vax injuries.

    Fauci has continually flipped, flopped, and flipped again on no masks, masks, double-masks, and privately told others as evidenced in his emails released under the Freedom of information Act that masks do not fully work. 

    In April, Fauci said that covid would not be eliminated and that the public is “going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.” 

    Less than two months ago, Fauci said that the U.S. was “certainly” out of the pandemic phase. Just a day later, he walked back his statement. 

    Fauci is experiencing mild symptoms, according to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

    Or maybe not. Stay tuned.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    jack johnson

    Gee, I sure hope he gets better.


    I hope he dies from it like the thousands of elderly did because of lib torture. FJB

    ronald J kozlowski

    Quick stuff a tube down his throat hole and pump some remdesevere in him. The highest level. Hold the dilaudid.

    ronald J kozlowski

    DR. owchie can you hear me? Good because i have a list to read to you. DO YOU me owchie. Your witch is next to your side.


    Pretty sure all those orphan black and hispanic babies and children Fauci Mengele experimented on and tested then murdered and slyly buried in Westchester, NY during the 1980s-1990s (and present) didn't believe what he did to them was "safe and effective". BTW--Fauci Mengele's experimenting on then killing these orphan babies and children was approved by the NY Incarnation Childrens Center, affiliated with Catholic Charities which is itself supported and funded by the evil sinister George Soros and democrat party. It's just one reason why democrats push abortion as hard as they do since the poor dead babies are being used for Fauci Mengele's continued experiments, with the majority of hospitals who agree to engage in such evil practices being paid for every aborted-murdered child. The outcome of these experiments is then a beneficial profit effect for big pharma.


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