• State Department Finds China Lied About Virus Origin...Four Days Before Chicom Compromised Joe Biden Takes Office

    January 16, 2021
    This Is Why CDMedia Is Creatively Destructing The Corporate Media...They Are All Taking Money From China
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    The Trump administration on Friday renewed its efforts to learn the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, issuing a report that suggests researchers inside a Wuhan lab became sickened with the virus weeks or months before the country's communist leadership reported it started in a food market in that city.

    "The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses," reads the State Department report. "This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli's public claim that there was 'zero infection' among the WIV's staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses."

    President Trump and others have since the Chinese Communist Party announced the outbreak Dec. 31,  2019, suspected the virus escaped from the lab...

    To read more visit Just The News.

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    Of course, the US would never lie about the virus origin, would it? Just what did those nursing home residents, close to Fort Detrick, die from in the summer of 2019?

    Eileen Kuch

    You have a real valid point there, Curmudgeon. Would the, US never lie about the virus origin? So, what did those nursing home residents - close to Fort Detrick - die from in the summer of 2019? I believe Bill Gates and his colleague, Dr. Anthony Faustus, had virology researchers at Fort Detrick create this virus, put it in a container, and hand it over to a group of Special Forces soldiers to take to Wuhan.

    Thomas Turk

    Disinfo.. Dr Francis Boyle, US Lawyer who has drafted bio-warfare Regs recently stated..''I also went through the scientific article where the Australian health board working with Wuhan … genetically engineered HIV into SARS, that is all verified in scientific papers. In addition, it seems to me that they took that back to the [Wuhan] BSL4 and applied nanotechnology to it. The size of the molecules indicates to me we are dealing with nanotechnology.
    We also know that one of the cooperating institutions [to Wuhan BSL4]was Harvard, and that the chairman of the Harvard chemistry department, [Dr. Charles Lieber], a specialist in nanotechnology, set up an entire laboratory in Wuhan where [according to reports]he specialized in applying nanotechnology to chemistry and biology. My guess is, based on what I’ve read in the literature, that they tried to weaponize all that together. And that is SARS-CoV-2 that we are dealing with now. So, it’s SARS, which is genetically engineered biowarfare agent to begin with. Second, it has gain-of-function properties, which makes it more lethal, more infectious. It has HIV in there. That was confirmed by an Indian scientist …


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