BREAKING:  Taliban Arming Al Qaeda With American Weapons, AQ Now Controlling Tajik Border
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The Taliban has turned over control of the Tajik - Afghan border to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, reports a CDMedia source. The fifteen-hundred mile mountainous region between the two Central Asian nations is difficult to traverse, and is now controlled by the group that destroyed the Twin Towers in New York City.

The Head of Foreign Relations for The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) Ali Nazary also described to CDMedia how the Taliban is also arming the infamous terrorist group with American weapons left behind by the Biden Administration in its disastrous withdrawal from America's longest war, a betrayal to the world.

"They are arming Al-Qaeda with American weapons and there will be an attack somewhere within six months," declared Nazary. The Resistance is still controlling most of the Panjshir Valley. "The Taliban has turned over sophisticated night-vision equipment, armored vehicles and small arms.

"There are also shoulder-fired anti-aircraft weapons in circulation."

CDMedia has previously reported how the Taliban has allowed China to infiltrate the Afghan Interior and Foreign Ministers.

The Chinese also have taken control of a road in the north from Pakistan to Afghanistan, according to sources in-country.

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