• Muslim Flash Mob Hunts For Israelis At A Russian Airport

    October 29, 2023

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    The Israel Hamas conflict has expanded to Russia, where it has morphed into a mob of hundreds of Muslims carrying Palestinian flags storming an airport in Russia’s Dagestan region, hunting for Jews and Israelis as a flight were to arrive from Tel Aviv. 

    The crowd is shouting, "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is the Greatest," as they frantically ripped through the airport, yanking doors, terrorizing airport employees, security guards, and ordinary members of the public.  

    The airport is located in Makhachkala, the capital of the southeastern region of Russia, where Muslims are the majority rule. 

    The airport is temporarily closed. Police have been deployed. Planes were diverted to alternate airfield.  

    “Due to the penetration of unknown persons onto the apron of the Makhachkala airport, a decision was made to temporarily close the airport for servicing flights on arrival and departure,” the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency stated in a notice. “Planes that were supposed to land in Makhachkala were redirected to alternate airfields.”

    In a terrifying video the mob, according to reports, circles a man they suspect of being Jewish, as he claims to be Uzbek. The mob does not believe him and instead takes his passport and phone to check to intimidate him while pushing and shoving him. 

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the alarming videos in a statement Sunday evening as he and his wife, family and staff are hunkered down with tight security in home with nuclear bunker. 

    "Israel expects the Russian legal authorities to safeguard the well-being of all Israeli citizens and Jews wherever they are and to take strong action against the rioters and against the wild incitement being directed against Jews and Israelis," Netanyahu said.

    This riot is three weeks and one day after Hamas militants attacked innocent residents inside Israel, resulting in 1,400 pause deaths, 4,000 injured, and over 200 hostages kidnapped and taken to Gaza. 

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Notice the Cowards intend to attack unarmed & defenseless people.

    If you support Barbarism you are an Enemy!
    #GodBeWithTheInnocent #MobBraveryCowardice

    Walkin O'Shea

    Time for Jews everywhere to start gunning up. If government officials won't protect you then you have to protect yourself. If life in your country isn't safe, it's time to look to emigration to Israel. You may not always be safe, but at least you're able to stand with people of your own and protect one another.


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