Sam Caucci of 1Huddle is happy with the direction the country is going; however, he still sees problems ahead that are holding America back from fulfilling its potential. "There is still work to be done, " declared the CEO of the up-and-coming workforce training company that uses mobile devices to educate employees.
We spoke to Caucci at length in a recent interview.
The start-up CEO was pleased by the recent State of the Union address and sees the Trump reforms as very helpful to small business in America. "The reduction in regulation is a huge positive, but problems in our education system, and continuing government interference in the private sector is a huge challenge for business. We recently had a problem in California where state officials did not want employees learning work skills after work hours. I found that mystifying. Since when did America prevent workers from bettering themselves? We actually lost a business opportunity because the client did not want California state officials giving them grief over our mobile training programs that can take place after the work day is done. California employment law is a problem that desperately needs to be addressed for small businesses."
1Huddle believes today's entry-level employees are a different breed than generations that have come before them, and it will take a different type of training to educate, motivate, and retain the Millennial age group. "The work force is different today," explained Caucci. "Businesses need to invest and lean in to new technologies to close the skill gap, and the experience gap. This generation has spent much less time in actual conversations. The are much more responsive to a device, which can fill in some of the holes in their skill set.
Another area Caucci believes is lacking are corporate human resource departments. "HR is not equipped to make these type of training choices. C Level executives need to take back control because HR is making bad training decisions. They are using models that have been outdated for decades. The training is not performance incentivized. They are also not retaining employees once they have been trained up. In short, HR departments are failing. We can help with this problem."
Perhaps the biggest beef Caucci sees with college graduates entering the work force is their complete lack of preparedness to handle the stresses of a market economy. "One of the big problems with our education system is that curriculum development takes far too long. It can take five to ten years to roll out new education programs and by that time the market has moved on. We need to remove federal dollars from colleges with low placement rates. We are wasting this money. We need to end tenure. We are not preparing our children for the future; people need to be held accountable."
Of course Caucci sees the 1Huddle product suite as integral to this much-needed reformation of the work force training process. CD Media Business will stay in touch with Caucci and report on his ideas going forward for the American worker.
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