The Chinese telecom giant Huawei, the admitted leader in 5G technology, has sued the U.S. government which has passed legislation to prevent the purchase of its products by United States federal agencies due to national security and espionage reasons. The lawsuit filed in Texas declares the ban on Huawei equipment unconstitutional. Oh, the arrogance!

Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act explicitly names Huawei and ZTE, another Chinese company in the news recently due to its breaking American sanction law.

Glen Nager, lead counsel for Huawei and partner at Jones Day, claimed Thursday to CNBC, "It's damaging Huawei's reputation and it's limiting the ability of Huawei to provide its innovative products, including 5G, to consumers in the United States," he added. "Huawei hopes that it can engage in a constructive conversation with the president and his administration over how to bring these innovative technologies and Huawei competition to the United States while providing full assurance of security for the United States of America."

"Section 889 is based on numerous false, unproven, and untested propositions," Song Liuping, Huawei's chief legal officer, said in a statement. "Contrary to the statute's premise, Huawei is not owned, controlled, or influenced by the Chinese government. Moreover, Huawei has an excellent security record and program. No contrary evidence has been offered," reported UPI.

If you follow this logic, then Congress would have no ability to pass laws protecting the national security of the United States of America. Should we be forced to buy Venezuelan oil? Forced to let Iran use the USD in its International transactions? Forced to sell North Korea nuclear technology?

One hopes there is not an Obama judge in charge of this case, as we know what the outcome will be.