If you haven't noticed, the Drudge Report has gone off the rails politically, now firmly in the anti-Trump camp, with daily questionable headlines pushing the anti-Trump narrative of the Left.
Who knows why; maybe it's arrogance, maybe he's been turned. We only know it is happening. After being a reliable conservative platform since Drudge came on the scene with the Monica Lewinsky story decades ago with Bill Clinton, he has definitely changed in the last 12 months.
However, just as Creative Destruction Media is building a new alternative pro-American wire service, the news aggregator 'Whatfinger' has roared upon the scene, and is taking millions of readers from Drudge, due to what those Americans in 'flyover country' see as a political betrayal.
Analytics report that Whatfinger grabs about 82% of Drudge readers; when they see the alternative, they switch!
Whatfinger is a reliable aggregator of conservative news, not a shill for the corrupt media version of the daily story.
The beauty of the American economy is the old saying, "Out with the old, In with the new!"
As Whatfinger says, they are furiously working to build "The Relentless Pursuit of Creating The Greatest Aggregate Link News Site On Earth".
We have reached the point where Americans have to take a side; Drudge has made his choice and will suffer the consequences.
The next 12 months are going to be full of change!
Make sure to Click on the WhatFinger Website
multiple times a Day...It helps them !
After 12 years of use, I've deleted Drudge from all my browser bookmarks. Hard to accept the sudden change in it's makeup.
I have been a Whatfinger.com reader for over a year now and I can say hands-down I am better informed than I ever was with Drudge's leftist enabling site. I noticed Drudges move to the left some time ago when he would link to only leftist sites without clearly identifying them. Clicks to leftist sites determine advertising rates they charge for advertising on their sites...you do not feed the beast. Unlike Drudge, Whatfinger.com does not automatically re-click itself in the middle of reading headlines. Whatfinger.com and other media portals like it now provide a clear alternative to the leftist media promoted on Drudge. Whatfinger.com makes it clear that leftist social media can be taken down through hard work and commitment to truthful reporting by news sites linked through its portal. Thank you Whatfinger.com for giving us an alternative to the Bizzaro world which Drudge has become.
Drudge has always been neocon oriented which includes the AIPAC agenda. If you carefully analyze FOX, you will note that they report the news, but they nearly always add a twist that gives the nonroutine listener mental discomfort/dissonance. What is it? They often start with an assumed premise that the listener is expected to accept; they then proceed from the false premise and arrive at a logical conclusion...but based on the premise. Or the "talking head" will purposely take the opposing view of the FOX agenda and then allow it to be destroyed by a guest...clever. Drudge is the internet version. Ayn Rand and the false premise...when you arrive at a paradox...
I am a a escapee from Drudge. I cant believe the liberal crap I'm reading there! Getting my news from you all from now on.
I too left Drudge....notice how has changed. Whatfinger!
SWEET ! I am one of them.........
I switched to Whatfinger recently after a friend told me about it. I used to love Drudge, but after their swing left they'll get no more visits from me.
I find it quite refreshing to get an actual take on the news. After trying to read some of the MSM sites lately, I'm convinced that The Onion is more accurate than they are.
Whatfinger isn't here by accident ... The staff and management have sweated the business heat and turned this site into the absolute BEST news-link source on the planet ... bar none !!!
I visit here more than I do my own coffee pot and I virtually live on caffeine 🙂
My very best to this GREAT TEAM !!!
I would still go there a few times a day until this weekend. I’ve made it a resolution to no longer visit Drudge ever. It’s been three days now without Drudge and it was easier leaving than I thought it would be. Thanks Whatfinger.
Yea...I just blocked drudgereport.com on my firewall, so that I don't accidentally go there of habit. Made WhatFinger.com my hope page.
For some odd reason Drudge decided he could better without the deplorables. This means I am no longer welcome to read his garbage.
It's a "progressive" error; Dick's did the same thing over scary looking semi-automatics.
no drudge, no hotair with margaret carlson
Same / same. No sense in staying on a sight that is blatantly anti-Trump.
Tried Drudge for a while, but couldn't really rely on truthful clicks and honest reporting. Now I go to FOX then to Whatfinger to get the REAL other side of the story.
My wife left Drudge months ago, but I hung in there, until last Friday that is. Drudge has been my home page since early
Clinton and I have watched him turn over the last months but gave him all the benefit of doubt I could muster. I guess
he "woke". Most likely his backbone jellified. I have filed him with Dick's, Levies, and the rest of the real deplorables.
Whatfinger has become my home now and the only complaint is I end up spending way too much of my day here.
Good thing I'm retired.
PS: Your humor sections are very welcome. The "news" wears me out.
Whatfinger is the start the day page with a cup of coffee? Drudge? What's a drudge?
I was a drudge fan from its inception, no longer. Once I discovered Whatfinger I deleted drudge from my system. Sitting here in Japan reading the news every morning I hardly recognize my home country. The only news that is fed to us here are the lying mass media. I constantly have to set my Japanese friends straight on what is really happening back home. Sad state of affairs.
[…] Media writes, “If you haven’t noticed, the Drudge Report has gone off the rails politically, now firmly in […]
[…] Media writes, “If you haven’t noticed, the Drudge Report has gone off the rails politically, now firmly in […]
[…] issue? As CD Media wrote Oct 6 in “Winning! Whatfinger Takes Business From Newly Anti-Trump Drudge,” “If we haven’t […]
[…] happened to Drudge?” now echoes across the Twitterverse. Last month, New American shared Creative Destruction Media‘s report that Drudge was losing traffic to Whatfinger, and concluded that Matt Drudge’s […]