If you haven't noticed, the Drudge Report has gone off the rails politically, now firmly in the anti-Trump camp, with daily questionable headlines pushing the anti-Trump narrative of the Left.

Who knows why; maybe it's arrogance, maybe he's been turned. We only know it is happening. After being a reliable conservative platform since Drudge came on the scene with the Monica Lewinsky story decades ago with Bill Clinton, he has definitely changed in the last 12 months.

However, just as Creative Destruction Media is building a new alternative pro-American wire service, the news aggregator 'Whatfinger' has roared upon the scene, and is taking millions of readers from Drudge, due to what those Americans in 'flyover country' see as a political betrayal.

Analytics report that Whatfinger grabs about 82% of Drudge readers; when they see the alternative, they switch!

Whatfinger is a reliable aggregator of conservative news, not a shill for the corrupt media version of the daily story.

The beauty of the American economy is the old saying, "Out with the old, In with the new!"

As Whatfinger says, they are furiously working to build "The Relentless Pursuit of Creating The Greatest Aggregate Link News Site On Earth".

We have reached the point where Americans have to take a side; Drudge has made his choice and will suffer the consequences.

The next 12 months are going to be full of change!