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Mr. Bastian,
I come from a Delta family My father flew for 30 years starting in 1965. My first ride was as an infant on a Delta airplane. I too became a Delta pilot in 1997 but decided to pursue other dreams in 2005. I have been a Delta frequent flyer since the early 1990s. I fly exclusively on Delta now more for pleasure, but I will pay a few hundreds more to fly Delta out of loyalty more than frequent flyer benefits. I trust the pilots and maintenance people more than any airline anywhere in the world. That is my primary concern when choosing to fly Delta. But after your uninformed response to the voting legislation in Georgia, I am going to have to reconsider my choices. Sure, I live in Atlanta, but there are always choices. Most of my destinations are in Europe and the Middle East.
When I read your response, it was clear to me that Delta, Home Depot, Microsoft and others have not actually read the legislation and you are responding to propaganda spread by President Biden, his administration, the Democrat Party and leftist media. You can try to write me off as a kook, but I am a patriotic American who served 9 years as an Air Force officer and flew combat missions in the F-15 in defense of our nation's principle of liberty and freedom. What I faced as an American citizen on November 3rd, 2020 was a full assault on my Constitutional rights and freedoms. The Georgia legislature, a few I know personally, set out to correct the abuses.
You won't allow anyone on your aircraft without some form of government ID. Flying is a not a guaranteed Constitutional right, but voting is. I can't buy a gun without a license, even though it is Constitutionally guaranteed, yet you are seemingly okay with the potential for fraud that makes my voice in our governance less meaningful. You should be ashamed that you bent to the pressure from a wholly undemocratic movement that is intent on reducing our rights as Americans.
I spent time in Venezuela during the runup to Hugo Chavez's revolution. I have seen what countries without strong constitutional protections look like on every continent. I stood in defense against the Soviet empire. I fought against a despot in Iraq. I now fear for my own nation that is more concerned with dividing us than in uniting us. Even my own beloved military values diversity now over competence.
But let's get back to Georgia voting laws. Are you sure you really know what the law says? I would refer you to this article, perhaps you should read yourself.
Election Improvements
In fairness, there are many good things about the bill. For example, it:
1. Makes ballot images publicly available under Open Records Request law (51)
2. Requires that the General Assembly elect a Non-Partisan chairperson to replace the Secretary of State on the State Election Board (5)
3. Eliminates private funding of elections, any forces any future funding to be equitable (9, 24)
4. Grants authority for the Secretary of State (SOS) to use 3rd parties to identify out of state, deceased or otherwise ineligible voters (17)
5. Limits precinct size to 2,000 voters if a precinct incurs a line of one hour or more during voting (18)
6. Limits use of mobile precincts to circumstances when actual precinct emergencies occur (20)
7. Implements ballot security paper for overseas (UOCAVA) voters (23)
8. Requires absentee ballot applicants to submit applications 11 days prior to election (25)
9. Requires SOS to make and online mail-in ballot application portal available to voters (25)
10. Allows ballot applications from 3rd parties to be only to voters who have not requested, received or voted a mail-in ballot (25)
11. Requires counties to report daily absentee ballot status tracking (28)
12. Requires county to continuously tabulate mail-in ballots after process starts (36)
13. Replaces single individual with duplication panel to mark ballot when damaged by scanner (39)
But perhaps the single best decision made by the legislature was to continue no excuse absentee voting. Had that been eliminated legislators would have forced voters to cast votes in person on a QR coded accumulation system that is 100% unverifiable to the voter.
After you have read the law or the above article, please explain to me, your fellow Georgians, and your Delta customers why this somehow infringes on the rights of voters. Without some reconsideration, you are losing this loyal member of the Delta family. I am sure I am not the only one. For the price of political correctness you will lose far more than the potential loss from BLM or Antifa boycotts. It is a sad day for Atlanta to see one of its most important and longstanding corporate citizens fall on the wrong side this issue. I anticipate your response.
A former Delta pilot
Delta can pound salt... if Delta wants pee_on the Constitution then you can take your aircraft and shove them. BTW, I work for a company that supports Delta... I'll make sure you don't get your hardware on time PBIAMF.
All American companies should not be political and support the American citizen and Constitution. Delta is doing what many of the other are doing and it will not help them in the future. I stable, successful country is better for business and the Biden election will not lead to that.
Worst airline in America now, hands down.
And Atlanta made the attempt so snap back million of $$$ in tax breaks for Delta.....but wouldn't you know.....the bill didn't get to the Legislature before it adjourned. Much sound and fury......signifying .....NOTHING....
Thank you Delta pilot - we share your sentiments fully and completely (one of 150m + that stand by our constitution)
thank you for your service, Sir! fair skys my patriot brother.
Where are the politically motivated audits from the IRS when you need 'em?!
What a great patriot. I to fought for our country in 1965 to 1968 during the Cold War defending our border in Germany and what’s going on today is not the country I fought to defend. ID’s cards should be used in all voting and all absentee ballots should be requested like we do in Florida. This is insane and needs to be paid attention to all over the country. If you are a citizen then you vote, end of story.
Thanks to the Delta pilot for taking the time to write the story. I too will never again fly Delta, I’ll walk first!
At first flying was an adventure.
Then it was routine.
Then it was a chore.
Then it was a nightmare.
I wondered ... how could it get worse?
Now I know, it is a political statement.
Next tyranny up, the "vaccine" GMO-euthanasia shot required to fly.
It is not worth it since there is increasingly little worth traveling to.
I feel exactly the same as the Patriot that wrote the letter. I am sure that the majority of Americans do. If anyone is racist, it's these people pushing for no identification in order to vote. They are assuming that people of color somehow don't have identification to prove they are American citizens. It's not voter suppression, it's voter fraud suppression.
Bastian has picked up where Ron Allen(for those who forgot, he is the CEO that ran Delta into bankruptcy) left off. Which way is the wind blowing today Ed? No spine.
Georgia's Republican-controlled state House repealed a $35 MILLION tax break on jet fuel to retaliate against Delta Airlines for bashing their election reform efforts! Now we're cooking with gas. GOP growing balls! Delta doesn't think we need an ID to vote but they require an ID to fly! Consequences, Ed.
He's not a pilot. He couldn't hack it. He quit. Now he hides as a nameless, faceless coward behind a keyboard.
Rob is not a pilot. He could never hack it. He hides nameless in his mom's basement, being a faceless cowardly 19 year old Antifa member behind his keyboard. Ready to jump at the nearest opportunity to employ the emotional side of his brain at the expense of growing as a person, moving toward maturity, or ever leaving the confines of his momma.