• BREAKING: ‘Covert’ Critical Race Theory ‘Indoctrination’ EXPOSED Within Children’s Toy Manufacturer Hasbro

    July 18, 2021
    Image by Topolgnussy

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    Insider Leaks Internal Training Given to Employees … ‘By Age Four, Kids are Showing a Strong and Consistent Pro-White, Anti-Black Bias’

    • Katie Ishizuka, Conscious Kids Co-Founder: “By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race.”
    • Ishizuka: “[Babies] as young as two are already using race to reason about people's behaviors. We may see this play out in daycare or on the playground -- and how kids are starting to choose or exclude playmates and friends.”
    • Ishizuka: “By age three, children are already starting to apply stereotypes, and research shows that they also may use racist language intentionally at this age. White children at this age may report explicit or overt negative attitudes towards people of color…By age four, kids are showing a strong and consistent pro-white, anti-black bias.”
    • Ishizuka: “At the age of five, children show many of the same racial attitudes held by adults -- children are really sensitive to the status of different racial groups in our society and show a high-status bias towards white people, which is the socially privileged group in our society. White children show pro-white bias at this age.”
    • Hasbro Insider David Johnson: “I decided to come to Project Veritas because I oppose the indoctrination of children that they wanted to push, and I felt that more people needed to know about it.”
    • Johnson: “They want to introduce children into racial bias at an early age before they're really able to understand what race and racism is.”
    • Johnson: “[Critical Race Theory] uses a Marxist lens to look at people as oppressed and oppressors…it divides people who have whiteness as the oppressor and people who lack it as the oppressed, and no matter what, you are split between those two groups. So, it's inherently divisive.”
    • Johnson: “I think the end goal for ‘Conscious Kid’ is to make sure that Hasbro is going to use their lens and that Hasbro is going to push their principles through all levels of their product marketing and packaging.”
    • Johnson: “I don't know what's going to be the fallout of this. I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of detractors and critics. But I think this is a hill worth dying on.”
    • Johnson: “I think that progress in its truest sense is that we should not be judging each other by the color of our skin, but rather by the content of our character and actions.”
    • Dolph Johnson, Hasbro Chief Human Resources Officer: "If we think we can influence the social good, that's the role we think we ought to play as part of our company."


    [Tampa, Fla. – July 18, 2021] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing children’s toy manufacturer Hasbro, which is currently partnering with “Conscious Kids” to force Critical Race Theory [CRT] upon its employees during mandatory trainings.

    David Johnson, who is a Harvey Nash packaging engineer contracting with Hasbro, sat down with Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe, to discuss the CRT training in which he was forced to participate. Johnson leaked a video to Veritas showing “Conscious Kids” co-founders Katie Ishizuka and Ramón Stephens lecturing Hasbro employees about infants’ inherent racism.

    “I decided to come to Project Veritas because I oppose the indoctrination of children that they wanted to push, and I felt that more people needed to know about it,” Johnson said.

    “They want to introduce children into racial bias at an early age before they're really able to understand what race and racism is,” he said.

    Katie Ishizuka, one of the “Conscious Kids” co-founders that trained Hasbro employees, was recorded explaining how young children are prone to racist behavior.

    “By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race,” Ishizuka said.

    “[Babies] as young as two are already using race to reason about people's behaviors. We may see this play out in daycare or on the playground -- and how kids are starting to choose or exclude playmates and friends,” she said.

    “It's absurd to just state as fact that at two years old, children are going to be racist and using race to reason about who they're going to play with,” Johnson said to O’Keefe in response to the recording. 

    Ishizuka continued: 

    “By age three, children are already starting to apply stereotypes, and research shows that they also may use racist language intentionally at this age. White children at this age may report explicit or overt negative attitudes towards people of color…By age four, kids are showing a strong and consistent pro-white anti-black bias.”

    “At the age of five, children show many of the same racial attitudes held by adults -- children are really sensitive to the status of different racial groups in our society and show a high-status bias towards white people, which is the socially privileged group in our society. White children show pro-white bias at this age.”

    In his sit-down interview with O’Keefe, Johnson expressed shock while hearing Ishizuka’s statements. 

    “Absolutely absurd to just state categorically that at five years old, your children are as racist as the adults, which is implying that the parents are also racist in some manner. I just think it's absurd. I don't know how they don't see it as discriminatory to group an entire race of people. Like how they explain that the white children have this particular bias against black people,” he said.

    “[Critical Race Theory] uses a Marxist lens to look at people as oppressed and oppressors…it divides people who have whiteness as the oppressor and people who lack it as the oppressed, and no matter what, you are split between those two groups. So, it's inherently divisive,” he said. 

    “I think the end goal for ‘Conscious Kid’ is to make sure that Hasbro is going to use their lens and that Hasbro is going to push their principles through all levels of their product marketing and packaging.”

    O’Keefe asked Johnson what he believes the fallout of these revelations will be. 

    “I don't know what's going to be the fallout of this. I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of detractors and critics. But I think this is a hill worth dying on,” he said.

    “I think that progress in its truest sense is that we should not be judging each other by the color of our skin, but rather by the content of our character and actions.” 

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    Completely remove yourself and your family from this sick, filthy 'society'. Your tribe is everything.


    I guess Hasbro decided they were selling too many toys.

    Jack C

    This whistleblower argument is a right wing inverted version of CRT.

    Who friggin cares what Hasbro is doing? What matters is what parents are buying for their kids. Wtf does WWF wrestlers have to do with it? We live in a world full of different race people. They all have distinct behaviors based on location and culture. God made them all. He also gave us the right to believe whatever the heck we want to about people. Even if its based on color. That power is bigger than opinion. What's important here isn't how you treat others as much as it is about tolerance and "dealing with it". I've been treated badly by blacks in the past because I'm white. I could care less.

    Those article sound like another form of leaning too far to one side. Hasbro can sell their toys. As a parent, I'll continue to decide what to buy or not buy. I didn't like it when pregnant Barbie hit the shelves. But I didnt complain and start a movement over it. I just didn't buy into it.
    The problem isn't Hasbro. Its dumba$$ parents who make bad choices. Take away Hasbro and you still have the same number of dumba$$ parents. DUH.

    Johnny Kay

    Never forget that the racism industry -- the “Anti-Racist” movement, “Critical Race Theory”, “Equity”, “Diversity”, “Inclusion”, “Multiculturalism”, etc. -- is, like Marxism, created, controlled, and financed by the international corporate elite to further its agenda.

    The immediate goals of the racism industry are to divide people; distract people from what is really going on around them; misdirect people away from what is truly important; marginalize white people; and make black people and other "protected classes" even more dependent, dysfunctional, and self-destructive than they already are.

    The racism industry weakens the “protected classes” it supposedly champions by encouraging them to be more self-obsessed, more dependent on the government, more focused on trivialities, and more inclined to blame their troubles on things external to themselves rather than their own actions.

    The racism industry excuses -- and thus encourages -- the targeted groups’ worst habits and inclinations, while at the same time marginalizing, isolating, and gradually eliminating the groups most able to resist the imposition of tyranny.


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