Twitter Shuts Down Truth On Criminal Brazil Supreme Court Right Before Sunday Election
O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e a ministra Dilma Rousseff, chefe da Casa Civil, no 51º Congresso da UNE (Conune), organizado pela União Nacional dos Estudantes
Image by Valter Campanato/ABr

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After international political analyst Matthew Tyrmand published a lengthy piece on CDMedia regarding Sunday's election in Brazil, Twitter went to work for the CCP agenda and shut down any discourse on the platform regarding the article.

Tyrmand also released on War Room Pandemic this afternoon how the Brazilian Supreme Court illegally leaked information from Bolsonaro's private conversations regarding his finances, in an effort to spin some type of corruption allegation.

After blocking Tyrmand's piece on the platform, Twitter then linked to Brazil's Superior Election Court document which self-servingly extolls the wonders of Brazilian free elections.

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