• There Is Karma – Nordstrom Gets Its Punishment

    May 6, 2023
    Image by Mike Mozart

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    Nordstrom is now being punished by the crime wave it helped to unleash. This past week, retail giant Nordstrom announced it was closing both of its downtown San Francisco stores citing changing ‘dynamics.’

    “Decisions like this are never easy, and this one has been especially difficult,” wrote Jamie Nordstrom, Nordstrom’s chief stores officer, in a memo obtained by CNN. “But as many of you know, the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”

    A mall spokesman was a bit more honest and frank about the problem and told CNN affiliate KGO-TV:

    “A growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees, coupled with the fact that these significant issues are preventing an economic recovery of the area,” the mall said.1

    To paraphrase Bill Clinton, “It’s the crime, stupid.”

    Nordstrom seems to be reaping the harvest of its labor. The far-left chain famously dropped Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from its stores in early 2017, 2 weeks after her father was inaugurated into the White House, joining a line of corporations that injected politics into their business.2 Based in ultra left Seattle, Nordstrom tried to claim that the move was based on declining performance of Ivanka’s clothing line, but the coincidence was too glaring to ignore. Seattle is not known for bipartisanship where 75% voted for Biden in 2020.

    In May 2020, Nordstrom joined many other corporations and openly supported BLM. In a 30 May 2020 memo called, “An Open Letter to Our Employees on Black Lives Matter” Nordstrom outlined its revised policies as they “work to make meaningful change together.” BLM wants to defund police. Crime and violence are apparently the ‘meaningful’ things they created. Consumers should take heed of their corporate values and shop elsewhere.

    On that same day (30 May 2020), in plain sight, BLM posted the following on its blacklivesmatter.com news page - #defundthepolice – black lives matter. “May 30, 2020. We call for a national defunding of police.” It doesn’t get any plainer than that. This is what Nordstrom publicly supported in their statements to employees and the public.

    By 2021, Nordstrom had joined other corporations in signing a letter to Congress asking for help with the “smash and grab” campaign that plagued retailers.3 Displaying unnatural duplicity, arrogance, or just plain naivety, the company simultaneously bragged about its financial support for Black Lives Matter in a 29 January 2021 press release.

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    At the same time, in 2021, even far left news outlet NPR noted the self-inflicted problem and posted a story called “80 people stormed a California Nordstrom store and stole merchandise.” The store manager Stearns told the news outlet, “The safety of our employees and customers is our top priority, and we're doing everything we can to support them through this situation.”4 That was 18 months ago. Clearly social justice ideology is more important than the safety of Nordstrom’s employees and customers.

    One of the oldest known writings in the world is Hammurabi’s Code, a bronze age society’s posting of laws and consequences. Humans have always needed laws and police and always will. Natural disasters and other civil disturbances nearly always result in looting, violence, and other criminality. These situations serve to remind us of the need for laws and police because in these moments law enforcement isn’t able to be present and enforce laws.

    None of this is a surprise and hopefully more fiscal punishment will result until they change their ways and protect their consumers and employees with responsible corporate policy. Anyone not woke saw this coming the first time a violent protestor shrieked “Defund the Police” in 2020. Nordstrom got what it deserved. Hopefully other retailers will take note and realize that the police are the solution and not the enemy. Reform can take place without taking cops off the streets and condoning crime as a measure of “anti-racism.” Perhaps we can give Nordstrom a gentle nudge and take our business elsewhere until they change. Plummeting earnings per share of their stock would surely get their attention as well.

    John Hughes, MD
    Veteran of OIF/OEF

    Co-Chair of www.americanism24.org a registered Superpac

    1. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/03/business/nordstrom-san-francisco-closures/index.html
    2. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nordstrom-to-cut-ties-with-ivanka-trump-brand/
    3. https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/retail-companies-support-police-reform-2020-ask-congress-increase-measures-retail-theft
    4. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/21/1057817911/80-people-california-san-francisco-nordstrom-organized-theft


    John Hughes

    Emergency Physician. United States Military Academy Class of 1996. #1 graduate. 3rd Generation West Pointer. 4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. www.americandoctor.org Member of STARRS.US & MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
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    Nordstrom will be compensated by communist China for the lost business.

    Amy Williams

    I was thinking the same thing- China’s bribing in dollars, may be the only thing that saves the dollar.


    Are they closing the stores in a minority community?
    Why aren’t there protests?
    Nordstrom’s is a family dynasty.


     "The far-left chain famously dropped Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from its stores in early 2017"

    The Ultra-Left destroys everything including itself, eventually. Even Russia and China figured it out.

    Constitution Fan

    Nice article John !
    You can't fix stupidity --they say and now Nordstrom is proof of the motto


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