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'Just The News' (JTN), an online news outlet founded by John Solomon of Associated Press fame, is continuing to give support to Establishment corrupt politicians and operatives.

Recent examples include JTN again allowing GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to say unchallenged that the state of Georgia was ready for the 2024 election and had the most secure elections in the country.

If anyone understands what is really going on in Georgia, as we have robustly reported in our sister outlet, they would know what Raffensperger is saying is completely false and fraudulent.

The Georgia voter rolls are still extremely corrupt, mail-in ballots and drop boxes are still a 'thing', and Raffensperger has the GA voter registration system illegally in the cloud with the globalist Salesforce. 'True the Vote' estimates there are 500,000 fake voters on the GA Rolls into the election. The fear is illegal aliens will take these slots.

Today, JTN had on the air Michael Whatley of the GOP. CDM has repeatedly called out the duplicitous behavior of Whatley, by those who know his history.

As the tyranny grows in the United States, it is becoming more and more obvious which news outlets will not speak the truth, and those who will at all cost in an attempt to save the republic.

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