• China Targets The 737?

    June 17, 2024

    Boeing has had some self inflicted issues - but China is also looking to take down the dominant commercial aircraft in the world

    Image by SounderBruce

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    Yes Boeing has had some self-inflicted issues.

    • 737 MAX software forced Center of Gravity (I’m still concerned someone might have done cyber meddling to make matters worse on this issue)
    • Riveting quality on the 737
    • 737 Door plugs blowing out
    • Whistleblower’s committing suicide(?)
    • DEI as a Corporate priority

    Now though, fake Chinese parts claiming to be titanium have now been found in the Boeing supply chain (found and reported by Boeing) and Airbus.

    These parts could lead to catastrophic loss of the aircraft in flight.

    Isn’t this curious - China is targeting the 737/Boeing and the A-320 Series/Airbus with the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) C919. The Biden Team has declined to far to add COMAC to blacklists that would end their viability such as Huawei.

    The great game is on by China to take down America and the West - even if it means killing hundreds of innocent airline passengers.

    ColonelRetJohn Substack

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    John Mills

    Col. (Ret.) John Mills is a national security professional with service in five eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror, World in Chaos, and now—Great Power Competition. He is the former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy, and international affairs at the Department of Defense. ColonelRETJohn at GETTR and GAB and Daily Missive at Telegram.
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    As a former employee, I can comment on two issues.

    One, the whistleblower who was arkincided barley scratched the surface as far as quality goes. The production people had a saying that fit perfectly..."beat to fit, paint to match". Plus Boeing used the absolutely cheapest material that they could find no matter of it's origins and 99% of it was never quality inspected on arrival.


    Two, DEI was / is THE primary social policy at Boeing. My department was 95% white when James McNerney was CEO/President (2005-2015). He made Boeing an employee-centric company which viewed merit as a top priority. Dennis Muilenburg took over from there and began gutting the company by cutting benefits and freezing raises and promotions and by instituting the forerunner of DEI, simply called “the inclusion initiative or program”; which rapidly evolved into what we now know as DEI.


    When I was “highly encouraged” (i.e. leave of be laid off) to leave the company, there were 2 white men left in my department of 42 people. The rest had retired, been “encouraged” to leave the company, or had been laid off and replaced with non-whites (men and women) within a month of their departure. 

    And NO, I will not fly on a post 2018 Boeing product if there is any I can avoid it.

    Last edited 4 months ago by Zazu

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