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(Update 5:00PM): According to Reuters, when asked about claims that Russia is requesting military help from China, China's US Embassy said: "I've never heard of that."
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Earlier when commenting on what's been reported as "significant progress" made in Russia-Ukraine talks, we noted that "It remains to be seen if this is the start of a peaceful resolution to the war or just another false dawn." Well, just a few hours later the false dawn has arrived via a bombshell FT report citing anonymous Biden administration officials who say that Russia has issued a formal request from China for military support in its invasion of Ukraine. This was followed minutes later with similar Washington Post and New York Times stories in what looks like a US "coordinated leak" effort to send a message and warning to China.
"Russia has asked China for military equipment to support its invasion of Ukraine, according to [anonymous] US officials, sparking concern in the White House that Beijing may undermine western efforts to help Ukrainian forces defend their country," FT writes...
To read more visit Zero Hedge.
Or a created "coordinated pseudo-leak", as their way to reveal themselves to us.. They consider it to be more efficient , i.e. less opposition, if they reveal to us their aim only in segmented steps as if the steps are separated and independent of the goal were separated .
Their goal is unvertebrated, but they are revealing it to us as an apparently vertebrated one.
This cannot be true..........An open Russian plea for help from China? Balderdash!