• Globalist French President Emmanuel Macron Appoints Spin-Doctor Frederic Michel As Advisor

    September 5, 2022
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    The Globalists in Motion?  Episode 1

    Image by President.gov.ua

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    French President Emmanuel Macron, a graduate of the Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Global Leadership program, has appointed crisis management expert Frederic Michel as a special communication and strategic adviser to explain Macron’s “short, medium and long-term” domestic and international policies.

    Michel’s official title is special communications and strategy advisor to the Head of State. 

    Macron rarely holds domestic press conferences, and has sneered at journalists claiming that his thoughts were too “complex” for them. 

    His new advisor’s job is to sell the French president’s vision amid the public’s rising discontent with Macron’s policies. His task will be to focus on helping Macron “keep his campaign pledges … at a time when the challenges are considerable, from climate change to global geopolitical upheaval and French social inflammability.” 

    Macron won re-election in April, but faces massive hurdles with the media after losing his majority in parliament, with Leftists and the hard-Right’s major gains.

    Macron has been hit hard domestically over his decision to keep talking to Vladimir Putin while other Western leaders insist Putin should be treated as a pariah even though he has addressed the World Economic Forum in the past.

    Sources close to Macron, who are not allowed to speak with the media, reported Macron is worried about protests similar to those during his first term. 

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    Michel is a former advisor to former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair having risen through the ranks of New Labor and left-leaning think tanks, one of which was founded by controversial Lord Peter Mandelson, who appears in the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s black book. In 2012, Mandelson’s endorsement appeared on The Terramar Project’s website, which was founded by Jeffrey Epstein and convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, who was found guilty in December 2021. The website was removed after Epstein was arrested in July 2019. He was later found dead in his cell a month later. 

    Michel is close to French Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn, otherwise known as DSK, and former Minister of Economic and Finance. DSK had his sights on leading France one day until that those dreams crashed permanently after his 2011 New York sex scandal surfaced, and later reports of his attendance at prostitution parties in Europe.  DSK was the former managing director of the IMF when the New York sex scandal occurred in 2011. 

    Michel was a top lobbyist for Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp in the U.K. during the company’s bid for satellite TV giant British Sky Broadcasting. In 2012, Michel made headlines during the Leveson inquiry, which investigated the British press’ ethics and practices following Murdoch’s News International phone hacking scandal. The Leveson inquiry published a scathing 163-page report. It revealed extensive communications between Michel and then-U.K. culture secretary Jeremy Hunt’s office. Those revelations ignited a swirling political storm. As “neutral arbitrator” at the time , Hunt’s job was to decide whether to refer the controversial BSkyB deal to Britain’s competition authority. Hunt kept his job while hiis aide took the fall and was forced to resign. 

    Michel currently works at Lupa Systems, a private investment company founded by James Murdoch, son of Rupert Murdoch. Lupa Systems is an investor in  French media company Brut. Michel serves as a board member of the French weekly newspaper Les Inrocks.

    The French administrative authority in charge of scrutinizing conflicts of interest will have to clear Michel.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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