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As France prepares to host the Olympics next year, French Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, has asked Washington for increased intelligence sharing and has warned that there has been a resurgence in Islamic terrorist threats against Europe in recent months ahead of the international sporting competition next year.

Darmanin said during a trip to Washington and New York this week that Islamic terrorism is the main national security threat to Europe and requested more robust Franco-American counter-terrorism cooperation, according to Zerohedge.

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"We have to remind them that for Europeans and for France the primary risk is Sunni Islamist terrorism and that anti-terrorist collaboration between intelligence services is absolutely essential," Darmanin said during an intern with Agence France-Presse.

"At a time when Americans may have a more national perspective in terms of challenges (today) - white supremacy, repeated shootings, conspiracies - they must not forget what appears to us to be the primary threat in Europe: Sunni terrorism," he added.

The minister's comments come ahead of France hosting the Rugby World Cup later this year and the Summer Olympics in 2024.  

Darmanin described the threat of "Islamist terrorism" as "an endogenous threat from people without networks but who, becoming radicalized, take action in a few hours, in a few days (...) someone who takes a knife, goes into a bakery and kills people," he said.

France, which has seen a drastic increase in immigration from the Middle East in recent years has frequently been targeted by both external extremist terrorists and also homegrown radicalized individuals.