• French Want Crackdown On Immigration As Crisis Worsens

    June 29, 2023
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    A recent poll conducted for the French newspaper Le Figaro reflects the discontent many French citizens feel towards an ongoing flood of illegal immigrants that have entered the country over the past several months as illegal immigration has been on the rise in many Western countries. According to the poll, as many as 3 out of 4 French people believe that France has allowed too many immigrants into the country under President Emmanuel Macron.

    According to the Odoxa-Backbone Consulting poll, the French are overwhelmed by the influx of immigrants and want improvements to the country's immigration controls along with more deportations and some even want a referendum on immigration into France.

    Some 74 percent of those polled say there are too many immigrants in the country, which is an 11-point increase from when the poll was originally conducted 5 years prior.

    The poll shows an increased dissatisfaction with the number of immigrants in France across almost all parties with supporters of the National Rally (97 percent), Republicans (91 percent), Renaissance (68 percent), Socialists (52 percent), and Greens (51 percent). The only party in the minority were supporters of the La France Insoumise which came in at 44 percent, according to ZeroHedge.

    A solid 79 percent of the French population also wants asylum seekers to have their requests approved prior to their entrance to the country. Meanwhile, 74 percent also believe that the French parliament should set immigration quotas for each year and some 72 percent think that immigration policy should be determined by a referendum.

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    Not only did a majority of National Rally, Reconquête, and Les Republicans voters take a hardline stance on immigration but so did supporters of Macron's party Renaissance. All participants in the poll were highly critical of Macron's handling of immigration issues other than the president's supporters.

    When voters were asked about the issue of refugees coming to France to flee persecution 55 percent said that they should be accepted, but that is a 10-point decrease from 5 years ago.

    The French perspective on immigration doesn't seem to be exclusively about keeping immigrants out of the country with many approving proposals to better integrate immigrants. Some 58 percent supported a residence permit for undocumented workers with jobs that employers have struggled to fill and the same percentage supported asylum seekers being allowed access to jobs.

    Céline Bracq, Odoxa's managing director said, "On immigration, French people's thinking is finally 'complex', a sort of 'at the same time' reduce the number of arrivals but also show ourselves more inclusive for immigrants already on our territory."

    French citizens aren't the only ones concerned about the growing number of immigrants in France with David Lisnard, the mayor of Cannes telling Europe 1 television station that immigration has become a serious problem for the country after it took in a record 500,000 immigrants in 2022.

    Lisnard stressed that the French government must do something to gain control of the immigration situation or it will have detrimental effects on the country.

    "It is communication itself that creates the problem. Immigration has become a major problem in France, we received more or less 600,000 people last year - 600,000. This is a (new) record. Hence, we must close the taps on immigration today, in the interest of the balance of French society," he said.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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    Shelley E Jones

    Just like most nations, the people will take what is dished out for only so long. I wonder if the French people know that this flow of immigrants has a purpose, and it is not to enrich the country but rather destroy it in a bow to the Tyrants of the NWO.


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