• German Government Info Op Manages To Shift Narrative To AfD Plans For 'Ethnic Cleansing' - Will Germans Fall For It?

    January 16, 2024
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    Government manages to shift the narrative to “ethnic cleansing” plans of the AfD

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    Either way, the gift of the Federal Security agencies was enhanced by the well-known identitarian activist Martin Sellner having been involved: https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/sellner-102.htmlMost importantly an online petition ( 

    https://weact.campact.de/petitions/wehrhafte-demokratie-hocke-stoppenhas been launched in order to remove the "Basic Rights" ( Constitutional Rights) of the prominent AfD politician Björn Höcke (Member of the State Parliament of Thuringia, he is a member of the right wing of the populist party AfD): https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/faq-grundrechtsverwirkung-hoecke-100.html

    Such petition, if successful, would remove basic rights such as freedom of expression (which is heavily limited in Germany anyways when compared to the US 1st amendment guarantee) or freedom of movement. However, a) such a process would take years and b) has never been granted by the German constitutional court.

    CDU governor of the state of Schleswig-Holstein is openly supporting banning the AfD as a party: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/afd-daniel-guenther-offen-fuer-verbotsverfahren-a-cb66e0b6-c840-4cf4-9521-395abdcbf801

    However, a party has not been successfully banned since 1956 (when the communist KPD was banned), prior to that the SRP (the Nazi successor party) had been banned.

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    Tom Karleil

    Tom is a European political analyst with experience across The Continent.
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    Larry Peck

    Fall for it? Hell, I'd vote for it.


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