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Ukrainian forces moved farther into the Kursk region as Russian authorities declared an emergency in the oblast, but have not declared martial law as of yet. Ukrainian objectives seem to be the two nuclear power plants in the region.
The Russian National Antiterrorism Committee is imposing counterterrorism measures in the Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod regions to ensure the safety of people and stop terrorist attacks by the Kiev regime, reported Russian state news agency TASS.
"The Kiev regime made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of our country. The terrorist attack on the territory of the Kursk region by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resulted in casualties among the civilian population and the destruction of homes and other civilian facilities. In order to ensure the safety of citizens and stop the threat of terrorist acts that could be carried out by the enemy's sabotage and reconnaissance formations, the National Antiterrorism Committee Chairman and Russian Federal Security Service Director, Alexander Bortnikov, decided to conduct counterterrorism operations in the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions starting from August 9, 2024," the committee said in a statement, added TASS.
Explosions reported near Kursk Nuclear Power Plant as Ukrainian Forces advance: Russia blocks access roads, prepares for combat.