Excess Deaths Continue and COVID 2.0
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The published paper by Brogna et al of 31 Aug 23 (see below) is of high significance in that it provides a method to specifically analyse the concentration of synthetic Spike Protein fragments as distinct from the Spike Protein produced by SARS-CoV-2. Using this method, it was shown that vaccinated COVID-19 negative individuals had circulating synthetic Spike Protein in their blood for up to 6 months.
Detection Of Recombinant Spike Protein In The Blood Of Individuals Vaccinated Against Sars‐cov‐2: Po
349KB ∙ PDF file
The ramifications are enormous. Is Long Covid mainly a “vaccine injury”? A fairly simple clinical trial using this method of analysis would reveal the answer. But will the health authorities mount such a simple but important trial? You bet they will not. Just think of consequences if Long Covid was widely recognised as a vaccine injury. OMG
I refer readers back to my Substack of 28 Nov. on Long Covid. CLICK HERE to view.
For those thinking that COVID is over…..think again.
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) has just published Excess Death figures including those for Australia. For the weeks 1-34 of 2023 there have been at least 10,000 unexplained and unexpected, non-Covid deaths above average in Australia. But our government appears unconcerned and unwilling to investigate. CLICK HERE for a John Campbell podcast on the topic.
THE NEXT “PANDEMIC” - COVID 2.0 or something else?
The problem with a future Covid 2.0 is that a significant minority of the population (maybe 20-40% in my estimation) has now realised that we were fooled by Covid 1.0. There was no real “pandemic”, millions suffered from prohibition of early treatment, inappropriate medical advice and the “vaccines” were neither safe nor effective as claimed. The Excess Deaths from non-Covid deaths post-“vaccine” rollout continues. Those who are now awake will not be so easily fooled again. So, Covid 2.0 may not be an effective strategy for a large part of the population.
Commercially, there would also be problems in Covid 2.0. Just look at the share prices of Pfizer and Moderna over the last 5 years. Data supplied by Dr. Gerry Brady (CLICK HERE to view his Substack of 17 Dec. 23). Even Bill Gates has bailed out. But our brilliant government continues to pour our tax money into the mRNA platform.