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Guest post by Paul S. Gardiner

On March 26, 2024, all 39 Louisiana state senators (28 republicans and 11 democrats), in a strong demonstration of patriotic unity, unanimously passed a very important piece of legislation intended to protect and maintain the sovereignty of the State of Louisiana over the safety, health, and welfare of its citizens. The legislation, Senate Bill (SB) 133, can and should serve as model legislation for all other state legislators and governors desiring to protect the safety, health, and welfare of their citizens. It is expected that SB 133 will be signed into law by Governor Landry after the bill is successfully voted out of the Louisiana House of Representatives.

Legislation such as SB 133 is very important for state governments to enact due to the expected relinquishing of national sovereignty by the Biden administration to three power-hungry global organizations: World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations, and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Of particular interest is the forthcoming WHO Pandemic “Agreement” which many, including Senator Dick Durbin, say amounts to an international treaty requiring US Senate approval before it can govern the lives of American citizens.

The relinquishing of national sovereignty by the Biden administration, likely before the November 2024 national election, will undoubtedly be challenged and brought before the US Supreme Court for resolution. Before discussing the extremely harmful aspects of the WHO Agreement, below is the language of SB 133 designed to protect the rights and freedoms of Louisianians and by extension, the rights and freedoms of all Americans:

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“AN ACT: To enact R.S. 49:24, relative to certain international organizations; to disallow the exercise of jurisdiction by certain international organizations; to prevent the use of communications from certain international organizations as a basis for action in the state of Louisiana; and to provide for related matters. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana: Section 1. R.S. 49:24 is hereby enacted to read as follows: §24. Jurisdiction of certain international organizations, The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.”

The WHO Pandemic Agreement (treaty!) establishes the WHO as the world governing authority by using enforceable language like “shall” respecting each nation (referred to as a “party” or “state”). Page after page of directives are given, including all the following:

Create and internationally share “digital health” passports on everything from test results, mandated vaccines, medical history, and any information the WHO demands.

Assert WHO’s control for any “risk” of international disease.

Control “supply chains and logistics.”

Create health care as a “right” in a path to international socialized medicine.

Elevate plants, animals, and the ecosystem as equal to human life and then demand standards of control over everything from plants to pets.

Create an internationally controlled system of official medical laboratories and government-run experiment/testing centers.

Censor “disinformation” and “misinformation.”

Control access to approved medicines.

Force international mandates that will impact local decisions at “community levels.”

Control development and patents, crippling private property.

Demand “equity” in health care.

Control water access and management.

Enforce certain immoral behaviors for medical staff and facilities to participate in abortion, LGBTQ, force “vaccinations,” and more.

In short, the WHO Pandemic Agreement (treaty) is a monstrous global power-grab developed and promulgated by so-called “elites” wanting to implement a new global world order using the Agreement as a means to accomplish their nefarious goals. The Louisiana state senate via SB 133 has taken the lead in opposing the implementation of this Agreement/treaty, and their efforts need to be duplicated by many other state legislative bodies.

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, and the US Army War College.