• Japanese Professor Slams The Hell Out Of mRNA shots, Japanese Government, PHARMA, WHO, and Davos Over Disease X Vaccinations In The Future

    April 12, 2024
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    Japanese pandemic response official
    Image by 高雄市政府

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    “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world,” stated Professor Masayasu Inouye, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School on X

    The fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”

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    “A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines,” Inouye adds. “Operation Warp Speed was used to coverup the genetic vaccines." 

    Inouye emphasizes how the spike protein in the covid vaccinations was injected into human tissues, which never should have happened. The spike proteins are too dangerous he states. Because this was a new method, Inouye claims that doctors who even administered these shots could not even have validated informed consent. 

    The professor calls government and media "irresponsible" for pushing these shots. In Japan, 80% of the population received them. Seven shots have been administered to Japanese citizens that have resulted in covid vaccination injuries. 

    In spite of that known evidence, Inouye calls out Keizo Takemi, Japan's Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, who has been "insisting" those injuries are not of "serious concern" because his government plans to "construct a new vaccination production system for the next pandemic. 

    "This is an unbelievable and crazy situation. The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called safe replication replicon vaccine and plans to start and supply it this fall and winter," said Inouye defiantly. 

    The Japanese government is building one factory after another across Japan and involved in clinical PHARMA trials worth $900 million to prepare for "Disease X," which Inouye states has been pushed by World Economic Forum's conference earlier this year in Davos, Switzerland.

    Japanese government is part of CEPI, which is financed by Gates Foundation to push out vaccinations worldwide. CEPI's goal is to prepare vaccinations rollout out in 100 days. That is one-third the time for Operation Warp Speed. Inouye asserts that by shortening that time frame what is being sacrificed is society's human rights. 

    The professor notes that these human rights violations are now trying to be normalized and bounded by the World Health Organization in May 2024 to "give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans."

    Inouye states that if such a plan continues and succeeds there is a high probability that Japan's vaccinations will be exported "under the guise of false truth." 

    "If Japan were to become a vaccination perpetrator it would leave irreparable harm to future generations," Inouye states defiantly. 

    "The actions of the Japanese government must be stopped by international collaborators," Inouye declares. 

    The professor has been giving lectures for the last three years warning the public about the dangers of the covid vaccinations, but has experienced censorship. He has found the legacy media in Japan and over the internet engaged in silencing his message. He has now published a book, "Withdraw from the WHO."

    His message to the world is clear. 

    "You should never trust the Japan-made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcends national boundaries," states Inouye. 

    This posting needs to go viral. So far, it has over three million views. 

    PHARMA, in partnership with Bill Gates-backed groups, CEPI and GAVI, NIH, NIAID, World Health Organization, and CDC need to be dismantled once and for all because their institutional leaders lack the moral compass to stop this utter “insane” policy that Inoue criticizes. 

    Although CDM has reported on American Conversations about the covid-19 vaccinated injured, and the tyrannical medical boards that have targeted doctors who issued medical exemptions or prescribed ivermectin and any other early treatments rather than Dr. Anthony Fauci’s pushed remdesivir policy that has killed patients across the world, we will continue to expose PHARMA, NIH, NIAD, CDC, FDA, and WHO fraud. 

    Wherever US PHARMA vaccination manufacturers go, we will investigate no matter where in the world. Whichever government is engaged with PHARMA and WHO fraud, we will expose them. 

    These are serious times and most Americans are looking inside this country, but we ask you to please watch our Sunday show, Globalists In Plain Sight which was started in May 2022 because of what the WHO is pushing. 

    Too many American citizens are still unaware that Biden’s White House policy still is today not only to hand over the US health sovereignty to the World Health Organization next month, but the Biden’s administration's goal is and was always to develop a "mandated seasonal coronavirus vaccination" based upon the unregulated bioweapon research that includes Gain of Function. 

    That is why the NIH, NIAID, CDC, and FDA agencies flew into overdrive to divert the attention from a lab leak origin to wet markets in early 2020. The public need only to ask, if all these wet markets were time-bombs and so dangerous then why did world leaders not shut down all the wet markets globally. 

    The next move the Biden administration did after the covid vaccination rollout in late 2020 was to cover up the massive covid vaccination injuries. 

    To date, the US government acknowledged the cardio injuries. Following that announcement in April 2021, Dr. Francis Collins, the then head of NIH and a man who had no brakes on going after a narrative that did not fit his coverups and who claims to believe in God, had the audacity to go on the White House Office of Faith-based conference call and deflect that those cardio injuries were rare. 

    Although those calls were not for the press, this investigative journalist had been listening in on those calls.

    The public now knows about the sudden deaths from heart ailments in younger men and women. 

    The public was confused in 2020 but over time as in any journalistic and criminal investigation, eventually the truth surfaces as Inouye has now proven. Please make his X posting go viral. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    I believe The Japanese have finally awakened and can see < The Globalist controlled Western DeMOCK racies are a Satanic evil


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