• The Dam Is Breaking on Medical Trafficking Evidence - The Blood Was Contaminated

    May 21, 2024
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    For the last four years, global citizens have been forced, coerced, defrauded and lied to about the COVID-19 vascular, neurological and severe cardio injuries, but this month, the damn has broken further about the endless greed associated with medical corruption about who knew what when it comes to medical trafficking and known medical corruption for decades. 

    It should be a massive wake-up call for those who are in denial that governments, the medical industry, and PHARMA are incapable of lying to the public and citizens should just believe in the medical divinity of those in white coats. 

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    This week in the UK a cataclysmic story broke when the UK Inquiry on Blood Contamination released its findings. It is a stunning story about people in the know keeping their mouths shut and going about their jobs selling, profiting and administering blood transfusions since the 1970s to innocent human beings in dire need that resulted in Hep C to HIV and other diseases, and resulted in horrific deaths that affected loved ones and family caretakers. 

    The 2,000-plus page report was released on Monday. The summary alone is devastating blow to humanity and has brought shame upon the UK bureaucrats elected to protect their citizens via regulatory agencies and the medical industry's lack of ethical standards. 

    In the 1970s, the UK was in need of blood and imported it - some from the U.S. The blood was sold and known to be contaminated by some in the know, who chose to remain silent. 

    By the mid-1970s, there were repeated warnings that imported US Factor VIII carried greater risk of infection and the UK's NHS continued to use foreign supplies. For a summary of the findings, as reported by Sky News watch this short report. 

    Sir Brian Langstaff, a former High Court Judge, led the inquiry since 2017 across the U.K. He stated that thousands of patients were admitted to hospitals and ended up with "life shattering" medical complications. 

    His announcement of the findings publicly can be watched here.

    For the full report, read here. The summary alone in Chapter One is a devastating blow to the depth and breadth of the lack of ethics involved in this travesty. 

    The Inquiry's historical timeline can be found here. 

    The fallout from this Inquiry brought together not only the current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak before Parliament who apologized profusely calling it a "day of shame" upon the government, but he was joined by the former Prime Minister Theresa May, who had called for the long overdue Inquiry in 2017. It has taken seven years. 

    On Monday, Mrs. May called the findings "an abject failure of the British state." 

    On May 31 in New York, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a film director and producer, will be releasing a feature film, Protocol 7 that is based upon a true story about what the pharmaceutical giant Merck knew about the measles, mumps and rubella shots simultaneously administered, and what the Merck top management orchestrated and hid from the public. 

    Two whistleblowers inside Merck are currently engaged in a qui tam lawsuit where documents have been recently unsealed that substantiates the movie Protocol 7's narrative. 

    For full details on the movie Protocol 7’s release, read here

    These two notions should serve as a global warning to bring all efforts in motion at the World Health Organization to a screeching halt. 

    Starting on May 27, the W.H.O.'s General Assembly is due to vote on amendments to their International Health Regulations and also vote on a treaty for future pandemic measures. 

    If passed, the W.H.O. would decided responses to disease outbreaks, or even suspected outbreaks. Translated, your health directives from Topeka, Kansas to Nairobi, Kenya to Cape Town, South Africa to Split, Croatia and beyond would be dictated by the Secretary General of the W.H.O. and their regional directors, including those today who were involved in the disastrous response to COVID-19. 

    The Biden administration supports these W.H.O. measures and ultimately, supports giving up the U.S.'s health sovereignty to the powers that be at the W.H.O. That is what is at stake before the W.H.O. starting on May 27 in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Get involved, get educated and stand up and shout out NO to the W.H.O. 

    For more information, read this website at DoorToFreedom, which is organizing a rally in New York on May 25. 

    This organization was started by Dr. Meryl Nass, who fought against anthrax vaccinations before 911 over 20 years ago. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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