• Hospitals Euthanized Patients To Boost ‘Covid Deaths,’ Whistleblowers Testify

    May 24, 2024
    Image by Marwa elchazly

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    Several whistleblowers have provided explosive testimony during an official inquiry, revealing that hospitals were euthanizing patients during the pandemic and blaming their deaths on Covid.

    The patients were reportedly given a lethal drug combination before their deaths were listed under “COVID-19” in an apparent effort to boost the number of fatalities from the virus.

    The bombshell testimonies were provided during the ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry...

    To read more visit Slay News.

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    David Smith

    This is only news to the deaf, blind and stupid.


    So if you lost an elderly loved one at the hospital during the event, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.


    with a 99.97% recovery rate why destroy your natural immunity by changing your RNA & DNA with a non-FDA approved experimental drug when there are numerous successful proven oral therapeutics?...
    since the long term final results were years away i'm glad i waited several years to see how the human guinea pig specimens would do in the clinical trials with the unsafe & ineffective fascist fauci financed flu commie cold bioweapon cancer express clot shot...


    Euthanasia this isn't -- it's murder. The only reason I might suspect this didn't happen to my Dad is that he died before the Jab came out


    So sorry for the loss of your father. The lockdown led to my father's demise. But there were several modes of killing off people, one way was the dangerous treatment received at hospitals, including remdesivir, ventilation, ignoring early signs of respiratory/circulatory distress, , etc. As witnessed by some healthcare staff, those who were not vaccinated got treated worse, differently than vaxxed. You did not need the injection to be killed off.


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