Globalist Financial Media Immediately Attacks Trump Fed Nominees Who May Bring Sound Money Policy
Screenshot CNBC

The one thing globalist oligarchs and their media lapdogs hate is sound monetary policy. After all, if America can't spend itself into oblivion, how can we pay for the migrant hordes?

Yesterday, President Trump announced his future nominees to fill vacancies at the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. The announcement was met with disdain by the globalist financial press.

One of the two in particular, Judy Shelton, has been an advocate for a return to the gold standard in the past. Nothing scares globalists more than sovereign financial responsibility.

Globalist Financial Media Immediately Attacks Trump Fed Nominees Who May Bring Sound Money Policy
Screenshot Bloomberg

Unlike Bloomberg or CNBC, CD Media will advocate and explain our view as to what is best for America, not what is best for some agenda that will destroy the country in the long run.

Globalist Financial Media Immediately Attacks Trump Fed Nominees Who May Bring Sound Money Policy
Screenshot Bloomberg