• When You Throw Five Trillion Dollars At An Economy, Businesses Hire...Jobs Beat

    April 2, 2021
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    Does A Sugar High Work Long-Term?

    Image by Stefano Mortellaro

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    The Biden administration is injecting trillions into the U.S economy, only a small percentage actually going to infrastructure. This is a massive redistribution of wealth from the makers to the takers. AOC and Pelosi want trillions more.

    This morning's jobs numbers beat estimates.

    Yes, the economy is spiking, corporations are hiring, in anticipation of all that liquidity sloshing around the economy. However, this is not built on real growth. There is no moral equivalence between what Biden is doing versus the rapid growth Trump accomplished with deregulation; ie, creating the opportunity for companies to grow vs throwing money at them.

    Sugar highs make you high, but they don't last.

    In the long-run, Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress are simply selfishly stealing from our grandchildren, and creating hyper-inflationary forces that will bring down the American economy.

    Don't fall for the hype.

    Nonfarm Payrolls (Mar) printed at 916k vs 647k consensus estimate.

    Average Hourly Earnings (YoY) (Mar) printed at 4.2% vs 4.5% estimate.

    Average Weekly Hours (Mar) printed at 34.9 vs 34.7 estimate.

    Labor Force Participation Rate (Mar) printed at 61.5% estimate.

    Average Hourly Earnings (MoM) (Mar) printed at -0.1% vs 0.2% estimate.

    U6 Underemployment Rate (Mar) printed at 10.7%.

    Unemployment Rate (Mar) printed at the estimate of 6%.

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    jack johnson

    Why do you think there are manufactured crises every handful of years....the answer is always "throw billions and trillions at it". Without these bailouts the world economies would collapse. The entire system is a house of cards.


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