• "Catastrophic" Property Sales Mean China's Worst Case Scenario Is Now In Play

    October 9, 2021
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    CHINA ECONOMIC HOUSE OF CARDS: Evergrande Rocked By WSJ Report China "Making Preparations For Its Demise"; EV Unit Stops Paying Staff, Suppliers
    Harcourt House & China Evergrande Centre
    Image by Wpcpey

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    No matter how the Evergrande drama plays out - whether it culminates with an uncontrolled, chaotic default and/or distressed asset sale liquidation, a controlled restructuring where bondholders get some compensation, or with Beijing blinking and bailing out the core pillar of China's housing market - remember that Evergrande is just a symptom of the trends that have whipsawed China's property market in the past year, which has seen significant contraction as a result of Beijing policies seeking to tighten financial conditions as part of Xi's new "common prosperity" drive which among other things, seeks to make housing much more affordable to everyone, not just the richest.

    As such, any contagion from the ongoing turmoil sweeping China's heavily indebted property sector will impact not the banks, which are all state-owned entities and whose exposure to insolvent developers can easily be patched up by the state, but the property sector itself, which as Goldman recently calculated is worth $62 trillion making it the world's largest asset classcontributes a mind-boggling 29% of Chinese GDP (compared to 6.2% in the US) and represents 62% of household wealth...

    To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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